
in blurtart •  4 years ago 


To keep my faith I stay away from idols. With this new text I aspire to remove the upper layer of the ground where I step, sink my pen, activate a seismograph on the seabed. Success cannot be touched, rather, it is a matter of staying in shape. I write !, and being that for me, the closest thing to life, then it will also be an allegorical reason so that when its time comes, I can have a quiet death... I give thanks! For being able to say what I am craving through writing, because writing is "divine" and its divinity is for liberation. Without ties, without subjection, without restrictions or norms that prevent to reveal anything, idea, will or philosophy. I have tried to make a small metaphorical composition where I can explain the free character that a writing enjoys. Investigate, somewhat, the correct way of treating words, in an attempt to achieve the most characteristic and authentic expression, which touches the complacency of the writer, his self-definition within the framework of writing, without falling into eccentricities or in ambiguity.

I have heard of men who wrote to death, tormented by toxic lyrics, with the flawed pro-foundation, acquired from autodidactics and their little delving into the study of letters. It is the counterculture, a phenomenon that adversely affects cultural factors and confronts the dynamics of behavior, trying to interweave cumulative and widely analyzed historical processes over time. Replacing them with another subset, which, by the way, becomes something of an arbitrary and insurgent accent. On the other hand, culture is a plot, a set of values ​​that emerged in time, to the rhythm of history and events. Which are the subject of study by Heuristics, an argumentative technique, whose purpose is to give, as far as possible, the greatest grammatical consonance to words or expressions, and to incorporate their feelings into the dialectic.

Achieve the application of a language that globalizes the tradition between east and west, north and south. So far it has been the challenge, somewhat ambitious, that few have achieved. The proposal to write in a sensible language that links the feelings of all beings in a certain region without neglecting the tastes or traditions of other territories is of vital importance. It can be said that it is one of the controversial reasons that in the remote past, led to the establishment of the "Renaissance" as a sociocultural movement, in ancient Europe and part of the Netherlands. Trying to dethrone "Romanticism" as the predominant artistic current. Even so, after titanic efforts during an entire era, one could not counteract the other, each positioning themselves in their proper place and independently segregating themselves throughout the world.


This brings up my first quote, contained in an article called: "Iuri Lotman, the analysis of culture from complexity and transdisciplinarity", which is allusive to the subject in question. Intra cultural migration within the framework of writing.

"From this perspective, the cultural goes through the translation of languages ​​or texts, so that the otherness, the other, the alien can be integrated from an original textual logic, to avoid physical or symbolic violence. However, in today's contemporary development there are no intercultural and transcultural translations with the necessary degrees to avoid violence, quite the opposite..." src

According to the above, I see how difficult it can be to integrate the idiosyncrasy of "all" peoples through writing. The unification of criteria sometimes cannot be applied in traditionalisms, where diversity is precisely what makes the difference and supports a fundamental pillar that obeys decades of customs and hegemonic struggle. Leading this integration task, usually, to be summed up to regionalism and radicalization in a certain territory, where it will be a complete understanding and common agreement, which defines such an attempt at ideologization. This opens the way to multiculture, a kind of coexistence of ideological symbols and expressions in a given space and time. Without neglecting the predominance of their values ​​and customs acquired as historical heritage or nationalist sentiment, in those cases, when it implies national sentiment. They are the nations, the real demographic figure that preserves its bonanza of knowledge coupled with its own roots, in charge of making usanza, of the other dogmatic currents of foreign or transcultural origin, to expand its scope and complement each other strategically without abandoning the milestone the tradition.

I continue to insist that what is written has no measure or contention that can appease it. The conceptuality created in the mind of an author, which at the same time, is reflected through an unpublished, original content, coming from the deepest vein of his inspiration. This conceptuality could perhaps be based on the most widely known erudite precepts or be supported by the broadest literary investigations, but it is its "free" character that will make it universally consumed. In my intuitive search about the origin of writing, mainly carried out, with the subjective purpose of satisfying my restlessness as a writer and lover of poetry, it has led me to various questions regarding the root variables, which I have taken as precedent in what I write. I feel that these give a certain tonicity to the words, a kind of color to the argument that covers it with a distinctive shine on the matter.

I usually walk through the subtle arguments full of magic and warmth that I find in Hindu literature which attributes to me a certain peace and tranquility, decorated with a deep philosophical feeling that seeks the overcoming of being and its spirituality. In the same way, some English authors have influenced me with modernist lyrics based on the social genre of the 20th century, leaving me great concern for the images achieved in the descriptive framework of structural design elements, buildings, textures, clothing, fashion accessories, with which I perceive the good intention of not leaving empty spaces in the framework of the tangible and the approach to the physical. I should also mention that the classic literature of the romance genre set in outdoor landscapes and furtive encounters with natural elements such as; meadows, streams, windmills, barns, herds and pastures, are works that have a special charm and create the absorption of the atmosphere and the world around us. Writing and its plurality, the integration of the elements, the universality of the word and its broad human character, definitely seeks the emancipation of man through art, idea and ephemeral thought. I make a special magazine to mention "Surrealism"; A literal imprint that I have marked, that I try to study thoroughly each time. That way of contextualizing reality towards a figurative and incredible sense. The fleeting way to surprise and place the reader on another existential plane without the need to fall into fiction, just by properly using the resources that can achieve the elevation of a person to such a point that he distances himself from the problems of the earthly world and passes to live an experience on a stratospheric level, abundant in images, shapes, and magnificent events. Go from the palpable to the impalpable, in just seconds. It makes us live the ethereal, it makes us believe that there is something more... something greater... something higher. That's how it is for me! Surrealism.

It is my intention in this part of the review, to address the final point of my article. Given that I have dabbled in the wide range of literary genres, which for my part, I have internalized and enjoyed greatly. I want to refer to "Interculture" and "Transculture" in the literary framework, which according to my own criteria, plays a decisive role in the handwriting of an author. Such is my case, I admit that I owe myself to my eagerness to investigate and read works of marked juxtaposed currents to impact my taste for writing enough and grow in proportion to it.

Again I quote the document: "Iuri Lotman, the analysis of culture from complexity and transdisciplinarity", of which I leave the reference duly identified with the original source, so that it can be consulted and thus expand the experience.

"Modernity and postmodernity accelerate complex transcultural changes and processes, which are inevitable in the present and in the future... The transcultural has two basic orientations: one that leads to cultural dialogism, from the ethical point of view, as we maintain, and the other that leads to the reproduction of domination, of difference... In the transcultural there is the paradox of the open and the closed. Transcultural processes must overcome the myth: the West, the depositary of science and the East, the depository of wisdom... The transcultural is the condition of being of culture, but it implies a complex recursive relationship between the homogeneous and the heterogeneous. In this sense, the transcultural objective is to focus on seeking dialogue between all cultures that will always resist homogenization..." src

Modestly analyzing the information contained in the previous segment, I must say that I am surprised by the depth of the subject associated with the "cross-cultural" in the writing, as well as its origin, behavior and other purposes. It is a branch of heuristic, disciplinary study whose research is oriented to remove the oldest archives of the literature in order to offer categorical results on this topic. As I said at the beginning of the article, unify criteria in the diversity of information from known literature is an arduous and outstanding task. According to the exquisiteness of each genre and the search to express a historical truth conferred on a specific space and time, I am sure that achieving intercultural homogeneity will offer unsuspected and outstanding results in the framework of modern writing. Its impact on modern writers would develop a new way of seeing things, which could lead to its reformulation and reinvention, in order to grow alongside new research and the generation of broader concepts than what has been known up to now.

Precisely, I think I have achieved what I wanted through this article. Delve deep enough to confirm that writing is and will continue to be "free". Because precisely the investigation and the discovery, will make our voices be heard, in unison, a single song will bear the word "Freedom" by name.

That's all for now! I hope it has been to your liking and has contributed to generating knowledge.


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