Other side

in blurtart •  4 years ago 

"Death is the beginning of a new life..."

Many think that, from there, you can see everything; the breadth of people's thoughts and actions, the desires locked behind the scenes, the voice of the subconscious, that intimate behavior of each one, which makes them think twice before crossing.

Sometimes we get the impression that everything seems to be vilely monitored, somehow, watched, or it could be said, rather, violated, by someone or something.

"A tacit observer, someone, who, due to the fact of not being a natural person, then, is considered implausible manifest."

There cannot be a blacker and more static panorama, more ignoble and without reason, like that seen by the eyes of a forgotten person. Those, who have reached the end of time, and thus, of all entrenched absence, of so much weight that exquisite solitude exerts, alone, go on to play a secondary role..

His presence accompanies us, something that goes beyond the barrier of understanding, two eyes, which, added to ours, look at what we do and coerce us; someone who in weighing our actions, in a constant diagnosis, as part of intuition, helps us not to fall.

That someone, who, for good or bad, looks at us..., someone, sought by lovers of the complicated, those who try to see beyond, engrossed, try to find something, while they remain standing in the doorway that leads them..., To the other side.

The conception of the known world, for us, exists only in our mind. That ability to perceive reality through the senses is the great recognizer of everything that surrounds us.

"We would be clumsy, doing things without sense, if it were not for that continuous evaluator, who approves or disapproves of our behavior"

We have the power of intelligence, it is our greatest gift, we act through a set of impulses emitted by the brain, which leads our body to react logically.

The eyes are the source of the image; even when they are closed, we keep the notion of space. Our senses supplant each other, in a way of help, to facilitate the understanding of reality.

Very good! I am convinced, we are the wonder of the world and its greatest creation...
On this side, the windows of perception organize everything specifically, as is, as dictated by our sensory organs.

"But on the other side of the lattice? Who lives? Who is that observer? And who is the guide for that observer?..."

From the other side, the force that motivates us, the one that makes us more than flesh and bones... Every minute, it shows us the beginning of a new life.

In each step we take, we mock death and give a new term to our stay.

"There is something trapped inside a box, we are passengers on the motherboard, that ship we call the body, being the eyes, the windows of dreams, which allow us to live other lives."

But, from the other side, the interior is so dark that we always look for light, without it, the energy of our life seems to run out.

Yes !, the inner inhabitant, can he be so deeply alone? Is there something else, apart from the ego? His only toy is our soul, which he gives us as a gift. It makes us capable of feeling love, loving ourselves, as if that were the true mission that has been entrusted to us.

The mysterious meaning of life makes us see how similar we are, one and the other, also our marked differences.

When we dress in pain and suffering, hope comes into play, and that is when, from the other side, something takes the form of compassion and relieves our sorrows.

"But could there be a state greater than the one commonly known? another space, an original phase, which is first..."

They say that a light trapped at the end of a tunnel will be the last we will see. Some advance, others remain behind, united to the caravan, we wait to see who arrives first. From the other side, light and darkness go hand in hand, we are dumbfounded in the inner part of the eyeball, it is like looking, the tragicomedy from the front row and patients, we only wait for the days to pass.

"Entire chapters, which for some reason we are forced to star in. Looking straight ahead, eyes wide open, inevitably, that strange feeling that someone is watching us is present. It lets us see that we are not alone , we are part of a directed plan, from the other side, where perhaps the "end" is what motivates us to start the journey."

I will continue to be a lost soul that wanders lost, clinging to the instrument, which allows me to have one foot on both sides of reality, the _poetry _...

If death is the beginning of another life, I want to look, from the other side, leaning out of the window.

"Throughout the trip I will be attentive so as not to miss, not a single second, the final chapter and the beginning of my new life..."



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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

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