Bored in Zoom Land

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

prayer meeting.gif

Zoom edits come when you are listening to a zoom meeting but you are not exactly sure what you are listening to. You can't share the actual facial expressions of the attendants but you want to share them with the world. This is where Zoom edits come in handy.

My favorite is the Andy Warhol reflection pool edit but that's not enough. Just to make sure the meeting shines I like to add a star in the middle and kaleidoscope around it.

I think this was one of the reasons that zoom was made so that you can participate in a meeting without actually being there. When I was a student there were no cell phones and students kept themselves occupied by drawing cartoons and passing notes. Now there is no one around to pass notes to so I'm just passing this note to the blockchain.

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I wondered how this reflection would work with our temple fish pond. It's pretty wild and I'm pleased. These carp are growing well and are fun to play with. It's amazing how my mind wanders when I'm having fun. I hope I distracted you for at least 30 seconds and made you smile. That smile is worth health points.

I made it a point to laugh each morning when I exercise. I laugh out loud literally for no reason... Hee hee hee, ho ho ho, ha ha ha... I do it in chromatic scale. I do it loud and I do it cracking up. This is one of my secrets to keeping a good attitude all day and not cracking up. The secret is to crack up laughing each morning. I get up and promise I will not look at my cell phone until I exercise for at least 20 minutes. Part of my exercise routine is laughing and I love it. I wouldn't have it any other way.

Now I've got to get back to our meeting. It's my turn to present now ;)


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