Life is the Mirror Reflection of our inner world - WHAT DO I SEE ?

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

Look around you – everything that you see came into “physical existence” through your thoughts, beliefs, imagination and all the information that has been stored in your mind since the moment of your conception. Isn’t it impressive? Hopefully we all, sooner or later, will learn to not use the immense power of our mind against ourselves and our wellbeing. Individually and collectively.


But while you act as if you have no control over your thoughts and thus, the reality that these thoughts create, - you will feel as if you are at the mercy of the destiny. But the science has proven that it’s far from truth.
Since it is our consciousness that constantly conjures moving images around us. Trying to change what you see by exerting illusory control over the circumstances in the physical reality is a trouble in vein.


If one wants to weed out unpleasant situations from his or her current reality - it's unproductive to try to solve it in the physical world while your mind is still affirming the negative thing that you see. The root of this "unpleasant situation" is in the mind. When you consciously change the perspective through which you observe and evaluate the situation - the things start to transform in the direction of harmony.


When you see yourself in the mirror and your hair is messy - would you try to scratch the mirror reflection with the hair comb? Or will you comb your hair to see a different image in the mirror reflection? This same confusion we are committing in the physical reality. We try to change it with our actions and interactions, we strategize and manipulate,.. instead of just imaginatively visualizing the desired “modifications” of the unpleasant situation and letting the infinite divine intelligence to execute this new vision in the physical reality.
Life is a mirror.

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The glass art that you do is amazing. I have never seen anything like that before. I guess it takes a lot of time and expertise to be a glass artist.

And I totally agree that our thoughts and beliefs are important and make us who we are.

P.S: Check out @PowerClub, we post awesome contests and giveaways.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh, thank you for your words of appreciation!
It does take quite a patience and time, and lots of cut fingers :)) It's amazing that ! still have all 10 :)) joking hehe

Thank you for your suggestion, I will explore PowerClub, might be fun to participate in the contests!
Have a lovely week ahead and thanks for your lovely message!

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Blurt to the moon 🌕

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, dear Chibuzorwisdom!!
I will find ways to support you too,
And also - thank you for the motivation to keep posting "unpopular but necessary opinions" :)
Let's Blurt to the Moon :)