Cut Mirror Art Meditation - The Infinite Becoming through the lens of the DRAGONFLY symbolism.

in blurtart •  3 years ago  (edited)

Let us have a lovely 10 minute reading meditation with Free-Hand Cut Mirror Mosaic Dragonflies - letting your intuitive wisdom pick any of the metaphors associated with them in our collective consciousness.


In almost every part of the world, the Dragonfly symbolizes change, transformation, adaptability, metamorphosis, evolution, Greater-self realization and ability to easily live transiting between the invisible dimension of imagination and the visible, already manifested reality.

The metamorphosis often associated with Dragonflies has to do with mental and emotional maturity, and understanding of the deeper meaning of life and how our processes of creating it has everything to do with the beliefs that we hold true. The Dragonfly’s flight across water represents an act of going beyond that which is on the surface and looking into the deeper implications and aspects of life.


The Dragonfly moves with elegance and grace. The Dragonfly is iridescent both on its wings and body. Iridescence shows itself in different colors depending on the angle and how the light falls on it. We already know that our vibration has a sound and a color, so - the infinite spectrum of the whole rainbow range of iridescent colors on their transparent wings is a perfect symbolism for our vibrational imprint on the vast invisible ocean of pure formless potentiality. Our moods, thoughts, intentions, beliefs, sense of wellbeing (or lack of it) - all these aspects affect where your vibrational formula stands on the rainbow spectrum at each particular instant. Thus, we are manifesting this vibration into the mirror reflection of it - the visible reality - with all the events, people, things and non-things happening in it. The magical property of iridescence is also associated with the discovery of one’s own abilities by unmasking the Real Self and removing the doubts one casts on his/her own sense of identity.

Iridescent colors.PNG

The Dragonfly normally lives most of its life as a nymph ( immature creature), symbolizing how we "fly free" only for the last small fraction of our life - as mature and transformed Magicians and Masters of our own reality. This exemplifies the virtue of living in the moment and living life to the fullest. By living in the moment you are aware of who you are, where you are, what you are doing, what you want, what you don’t. And to make conscious choices on a moment-to-moment basis of where are you investing the creative potency of your attention. Where your attention goes – your energy flows.


The eyes of the Dragonfly symbolize the potential of our mind for uninhibited multidimensional vision and the ability to see beyond the limitations of the human self and visible illusions of our created reality.


Dragonfly’s can be a symbol of the Greater Self that comes with maturity. They symbolize going past self-created illusions that limit our growth, happiness and ability to change the circumstances around us without “pushing the Universe”, but instead – directing our mental focus onto desirable ideas and thoughts. And then letting them materialize freely in harmony with the Whole.


In our collective consciousness The Dragonfly is a symbol of Transformation, Happiness, New Beginnings and Constant Change in the process of perpetual reality creation on a moment to moment basis.


The Dragonfly means:
Hope for Progress,
Evolutionary Change,
Simultaneous Vision of the both - envisioned desire and already manifested intention in the physical world,
Capacity for Mental Discipline as to be more and more aware, predictive and accountable for the created reality.

I hope you enjoyed this little visionary journey :) Happy Monday and may this week unfold beautifully for you !!

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Haces un hermoso trabajo se nota el amor que le dedicas y que además te apasiona hacerlo, también debo decir que tu mascotas es hermosa una cosita preciosa, te comparto un abrazo y vengo a compartir una taza de delicioso café si gustas o de té, con galletas de mantequilla.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ya suena como un plan, :) Si, Capri es mi compañera y mi maestra. Con su forma de ser me ha dado muchas lecciones en la vida, pequeña pero sabia!!
Que tengas un hermoso fin de semana!

Always with the loyalty of the dog, I have the same here with our dogs they are always near. The dragon flies are superb

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

@lauralauze welcome to the Blurt platform. I do not usually have the time to comment personally to publications, but I am impressed with your work. As of this writing you have only been on-board for 5 days, yet your publications caught my attention.

I was following your discussion with Wes Philbin in my Discord Community help channel, which led me to look over your publications.

Keep up the great work and be paient as you build your presence here on Blurt.

@lauralauze bienvenida a la plataforma Blurt. No suelo tener tiempo para comentar personalmente las publicaciones, pero estoy impresionado con tu trabajo. En el momento de escribir este artículo sólo llevas 5 días a bordo, pero tus publicaciones me han llamado la atención.

Estaba siguiendo tu discusión con Wes Philbin en mi canal de ayuda de la Comunidad de Discord, lo que me llevó a mirar tus publicaciones.

Sigue con el gran trabajo y sé paciente mientras construyes tu presencia aquí en Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your encouraging words! Yesterday I started posting on Hive too, so I was a bit busy there. For me writing is a deep process that includes even having my inner creative fire activated, body energized and other daily practices and rituals (including coffee:)) before letting the stream of consciousness hijack my being and use me as a writing tool :))))
I might need to choose between Blurt and Hive on what content goes where, or shall I just stay focused on one.
I welcome all the feedback and suggestions that you offer, and more than anything - the time you share for my growth!! Thank you!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Your welcome. Be sure when you publish on Hive that it is unique content. Many there frown on publish the same thing that was published elsewhere, even though it is all your content. On steemit you can usually publish the same or similar that was published on Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Exactly, that is why I want to stay "faithful" to just one and be completely devoted on giving my best. Need to gain more insight on where I fit in more , meaning, where my offering can find the people who'd be happy to use it :)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"gain more insight on where I fit in more"... It took me sometime to find this for myself when I started on Steemit . I actually quit for a few months and came back and focused on what made me happy...with that my following began to grow, and along with that name recognition. Blurt is overall is the friendliest platform. Sometimes I am not sure where they are headed, but that lays heavily on me because I just do not have the time to stay on top of things like I used to. You are right because you need to share what people want to see and read. That is when you can allow some of your philosophical views to overflow into your work. This I believe will set you apart from the "crowd" in time. I found that as users tuned into view my publications (photography) that it opened doors for me to share who I am, which is nothing but a reflection of my philosophical views.

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