Some Digital Flower Drawings From My Sketchbook iOS App

in blurtart •  3 years ago 


My sister and I drew some flowers together when my dad was busy teaching Khmer online. We drew a lot of silly flowers. I hope you enjoy my post well.

Silly Flower Drawings

Last week my sister asked me if she can draw on my iPad. She tried to learn some tools in my SketchBook iOS app. She is very good with it. I drew many flowers and my favorite drawing is the one that looks like a rose. It is my sister's favorite too.

My sister drew some cool flowers too. I used symmetry to draw all of those arts and I used the fill tool to fill up my arts. I love to use the fill tool. I use it in every drawing that I drew.

Some Cool Flowers


This one is mine and I called it Confetti Diamond. I called it like that because the flower looks like a diamond and there is confetti around it.


This is my sister's flower. I really love the way she used those colors. This is my sister's first drawing in SketchBook. She doesn't know how to fill the background yet.


This one is mine and it doesn't look like a flower at all. It is a flower but I drew it like it is too big to draw. I just want to make it different. My mom said when she looked at the flower it makes her feel dizzy. 😵


This is my second favorite. I drew it because I love blue flowers. This is just what I am looking for. I drew a butterfly for my mom. My mom really likes butterflies.


This is my favorite one and my sister drew it. This is her first drawing with the background color. I helped her with this one. I think my sister really loves pink and sky blue.


This one is my sister's last drawing in SketchBook. She used pink in every drawing that she drew. Her drawing is still cool to me. I don't really like pink much. I like purple and green. She put a green background for me. 😄

rosy rose.PNG

I call this one Rosy Rose. It is my favorite. My sister also loves this one. My mom said it looks like a rose with a lot of petals. I asked her which one of my drawings is her favorite and she said all of them are beautiful.


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Monkey B
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