Greetings, I'm recently on "Blurt Blog". Today I show a kind of digitized plastic trilogy. It is a painting that I made in 2015, during my life as a university student, the work in question is made with acrylic on canvas, and has the title: Chewing gum - Weapon: time of peace. It is a painting dominated by a varied range of purple and purple colors. It has an air of pop art, which ends up mixed with gloomy colors creating a sensation or sensationalism that is close to expressionist art. In this work, a sublime feminine face is revealed in which a graceful and playful moment can be seen, encompassed by lines that suggest an atmosphere in movement. However, the subterfuge of this publication is to show a series made up of three digital images that reveal three different versions of the same work. I am achieving these divergent effects by combining the applications of a Redmi 9i device and Photoshop Express Premium.
Vestigio de la obra original
Versión digital, efecto inverso.
Versión digital, efecto plateado.
Thank you for reading, see you soon, I wish you all the best.
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