I had had a very long hiatus in the arts. In fact, in 2019, I only managed to complete one drawing. Then, in January, I renewed my carrier network subscription, and with it came a phone plan. I ended up purchasing a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+.
Initially, there was something that bugged me after buying it. It was too expensive, did I really need it? Would it be worth it? Granted, I could use it to attend meetings without having to carry with me my laptop. However, was that enough reason to actually buy the Note 10+? One boring day, I decided to sketch something. It turned out all right. Then I did it again.
And again. And again.
Corona happened and months long quarantine was imposed. Suddenly, I had a lot of time in my hands. I practiced painting again. This time, with my phone. Recently, I decided to repaint one of the artworks I earlier did when I just came back to this craft.
The Stressed

I call her Scheherazade. It's a repainting of this work:

I honestly think the new one looks better than the first one, what do you think? Because this is a repainting, I just used the lineart I had from the first work. The timelapse below shows how I painted it in MediBang Paint for Android. But the rest of the rendering were done in Photoshop, which wasn't shown here (I had to export to laptop).
I hope you like it! Which version did you like better?

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