I have been a huge fan of many Japanese musicians the likes of Yorushika, Aimer, ONE OK ROCK, and more. This year, I got to discover more and more artists, and the most unforgettable gem for me is amazarashi. The way their songs sound would make you want to dwell on life and just how sad it can get. I'd say their music is nihilistic. Surprisingly, front man Hiromu Akita says their music is anything but.
According to Akita, it's the anti-nihilist spirit that animates their compositions. Sometimes, though, the words in their songs hit too hard, too straightforward, that they come across as depressing.
It was while listening to amazarashi's music that I came up with the concept of today's artwork. I listened to the amazarashi playlist while completing this piece.
Give You My Heart
"No idols are large enough to fill the space that opened up when love has left." But maybe my heart can, so let me give mine to you.

ここにはない 少なくとも僕の部屋には 」
The concept of this piece comes from one of amazarashi's songs called Living Dead. The song tells about humanity making way for things that essentially do not exist. In essence, find the silver lining in bad situations, and pave the way in the presence of nothing.
The piece, Give You My Heart, wants to tell the story of giving everything that matters to a person, even at the expense of himself. The dead space giving will leave will soon be replaced by a gem that would come from someone else who cares.

Painting this had been fun and therapeutic. I couldn't complete this in a few hours as I had just been sneaking drawing in between work, but I think it turned out all right.
I started with painting the heart because I wanted to practice non-portrait painting. I wanted to get it to look more realistic, but that was as far as I could do.

The Donation Drive: How it's going
I've minted this piece on NFT Showroom, and it has thankfully sold. A day before that, In Silence has been sold, too. I don't normally announce sales in NFT (and who bought them, because they might value their privacy, and I didn't want to impose), but I'd like to thank them! Sales from these two artworks will still go to charity.
I've written a transparency report at the end of an art post on Hive, where I detailed how the donation went. I'll be forwarding the funds from In Silence and Give You My Heart this weekend. I'm contemplating donating to one of my friends' donation drive and/or the ABS-CBN Foundation. Both will work on the rehabilitation of communities heavily affected by the typhoons that hit the Philippines in this last quarter of 2020.
Thanks again, everyone! Until my next artwork. :)

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