A Tenerife Seascape With Photo Manipulation Filtering

in blurtart •  3 years ago 

I'm very late with my posting Today, as I've been busy working in the garden. Also it's been quite hot here in the UK, so I've not felt much like doing anything really LOL

My original photo of this Seascape image was very dark and a little boring. So I decided to spice it up a bit with some artistic filtering, a kind of deceptive photo manipulation in a way.

However, you could say that sometimes "Photography is Art", as I have tried to demonstrate below...

Tenerife Coastal Seascape ~ My Photo Editing personal Challenge 🌊
Dramatically manipulated with sunset inclusion and "art paint" filtered.


So Today I am sharing with you, this dark photo of the dramatic Tenerife Island coastline. Being just one of several small islands that are known collectively as the "Canary Islands". Tenerife itself is most famous for it's black Volcanic rock landscape.

This photo was taken on a family Holiday there, as it is short plane trip form the UK, so therefore popular with both English and Spanish tourists. The islands can be located about 70 miles from the Moroccan mainland, below Portugal.

  • Second Image Variant (not oil painted).


  • My Original Photo


The above Photograph was shot with my Sony DSC-W17 Camera 📷
[ Strictly Copyright ©2021 ©andy4475 ]

Now for two "Screen Shots" of the Transformation process.

  • Firstly, 2 separate photos were blended together.

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 20.51.23.png

  • Then secondly, oil paint filtered.

Screen Shot 2021-02-28 at 20.49.22.png

So that's it, finally finished... Yay!

Many Thanks for your kind attention, see you again soon... 🙋‍♂️ Andy

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Thanks very much indeed √