Organic soil science Biochar

in blurtagriculture •  4 years ago 

Biochar is a type of charcoal or coal that is made by the method of pyrolysis (in the presence of limited oxygen or non-oxygenated heat) from various organic matter, such as rice husk, wood powder, wood, chicken droppings and even sewage waste. Biochar also plays a role in purifying water and reducing soil salinity. Biochar is a unique adjunct to soil health. The funny thing is, once biochar is used on land, it doesn't have to be used for a long time. Biochar retains carbon in the soil year after year, resulting in sustainable development of soil health. Biochar lasts for about 100 years in the soil. And for centuries it has increased the fertility of the soil in many ways.

The role of biochar in agriculture
Over time, agricultural science has also seen steady improvement. Biochar is just a small part of it. Despite being a small part, Biochar is playing an equal role in maintaining the balance of the environment, starting from the production of agricultural products. The use of biochar increases soil fertility strength, water holding capacity, fertilizer effectiveness. Biochar retains plant nutrients in the soil, eliminates the effects of salinity and drought and soil acidity. By modifying the soil, the biochar activates the small microorganisms present in the soil. The use of this environmentally friendly biochar method also doubles the yield of the land. The use of biochar is to give less chemical fertilizer and water irrigation; As a result the cost to the farmer is reduced. In many countries of the world, biochar is being used in the soil to get rid of the harmful effects of climate change. Recently, rice seedlings are being planted in the cultivable land of Nawabganj in Dinajpur of the country using environmentally friendly biochar method. Biochar is also being used in potato and vegetable cultivation. Farmers are keen to use the biochar method to make more profit and keep the soil quality intact. If biochar can be generated using the waste of other cities including Dhaka, on the one hand such waste can be released, on the other hand it can be used in the land as fertilizer. It is hoped that biochar technology will add a unique dimension to the country's agriculture.
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