My diary on how spend my day

in blurtafrican •  3 years ago 

Goodevening firends and welcome to my blog. Hope you had a great day!!! Its time to make a record of how I spent today. Ofcourse, it was full of activities as usual. But am happy I got done, all the things planned for the day. So I say it has a happy ending. Its take a look at how it began and ended.

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Morning Activities
I woke very early every day, its almost becoming a part of me. today I rose around 4.50am to check on some messages I left unattended to the previous night. The messages on Whatsapp and Telegram groups are usually many. So I checked on our Promoters group and blurt telegram. I had to be up-to-date with activities there. So after spending aroung 40 minutes online, I went to join the family for our usual morning worship.

Our morning worship is a time to reflect on some scriptural principles to guide us for the day. The morning text was from Ecclesiastes 3:1,7. Its very timely. The lesson is that there is a time for talking and time for keeping quiet. We need to use our power of reasoning to decern when is the appropriate time to speak or remain silent. After discussing a few more lessons, we ended the family worship with prayer. I came back to continue my work online.

I did some curation work, using the community curation trail to vote on some posts submitted by our community leaders. I also had some quick motivational talk with the leaders to encourage them to continue working hard in the face of adversity. I also verified and voted a few posts as a greeter in newcomers community. I worked for a better part of the morning ast home before leaving to go and refill my cooking gas.
No 1 Park Road, Aba
No 1 Milverton Avenue,

Afternoon Activities
I went out around 12.05 noon to Easyon Gas Station. Unfortunately, the attendant was not available. So I went on to Water Side area and did the refill there. There is a gas station station caaled Cozy. That was where I did the refill. The sold 1 Kilogram of cooking gas for 740 naira (2.4 blurt). I did 6 kg. They have few customers that afternoon so I spent like 15 minutes there before I went back to the training center.

Gas attendant at Cozy Energy

Receipt for 6KG of Cooking gas
It was around 1pm and Samuel20 was busy mentoring newbies and assisting them in various ways. Has works diligently. So I left to meet @meymeyshops for some health supplements. Before going to memeyshops, I ate my lunch in a nearby fastfood restaurant. I took some time to rest and after that, I returned to the center and carried the gas cylinder home. I was going for my Christian meeting. While on my way, I discovered that @blurtblog supported one of our community posts. I got home around 3.30pm

Evening Activities
My Christian meeting started by 4pm. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually through zoom. It was a time to have interchange of encouragement and build the faith of my christian friends. We sang, studied the bible and prayed. The meeting usually takes less than 2 hours to run. So by 5.55pm, we were done. After the meeting, I took some rest and enjoyed my apple fruit.

At around 7.30pm, I went to buy more fuel. Once I returned, dinner was ready. I ate and had time to rest and chat with family. I resumed work online around 8pm. That was when I started designing the graphics for this post. After that, I started writing the post. I forgot to mention that immediately after the christian meeting, I selected support. So once I finish with this post,

I will sleep in the next 1 hour. I would say it has been a fruitful day. Everything planned was done successfully. I thank you all friends for reading my diary and hope to have a great night - both me and you!!!

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