This morning's parade will be like everyother one. He would stand before us with his face robbed of any line resembling a smile and then he would talk about our lakadaisical attitude to work, truancy and serious disrespect of senior officers by junior officers. I am a good officer. I go to work everyday and I take my work very seriously. I respect my seniors and even regard my juniors and so I often wonder if he isn't seeing these good I am doing to say some kind words to me and make me feel appreciated?
Speak some kind words....
A lot of us do not know the power of speaking some kind words to people around us. Kind words can restore hope to the hopeless. It can lift the downcast. People need to know that they are loved. There is so much criticism and discouragement in the world. A little word of kindness can go a long way.
It doesn't matter who it is, everyone needs some words of comfort. It may not be words of kindness but acts of kindness. It can be something as simple as a hug or a pat on the shoulder, a little surprise gift or a beautiful testimony.
People are fighting so many battles. You don't know what the person next to you is going through. Saying some kind words may just be all they needed at that moment to avoid suicide. Saying some kind words may just be all they needed to trust and believe in themselves again. Saying some kind words may just be all they need to stay alive, strong and keep pushing.
Have you said some kind words to someone today?
First posted here