How i spent my easter vaccation and my experience about easter

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

How I Spent My Easter vacation and my experience about easter

At first, what is easter
#easter: Easter also called Pascha ,or resurrection Sunday is a Christain festival and cultural holiday .commemorating the resurrection of Jesus from the dead described in the new testament as having Occured on the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the romans at calvary .these ceremony took place on April 11th Sunday 2022


The english world easter

The english word easter which paralles the German word "Ostern" is of uncertain origin. One view


The disput, knoen as the paschal controlversies was not definitives resolved until the 8th centuary. In Asia minor, christains observed the day if the crucifixion .
On the same day that the jews celebrate the pass- over offering that is on the 14th day of the first full moon of spring 14 Nisan (see jewish calendar) The resurrection then,was observed two days later on 16 Nisan regardless of the days of the week

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How I Spent The Easter Vacation

During this holiday period many of us travelled while some stayed at home easter vacation is normally observed at the second semister in schools this holiday took place on the 8th of march 2022 and ended on the 9th of may 2022. During this period the sound of mortal and pistle dsn't end in the villages many of us had time to visit each other and many had enough time to play there games in all i cant forget how we made swimming our hobbie . easter holiday was very fun and intrested. One fine day our parent called us out and gathered us at there front and they started narrating the main reason government gave us the holiday, then our father started with making us understand why it was called easter holiday. He said that the easter was not just formed but used to remeber the death of our lord jesus christ at the cross of calvary who died for our sins for we to be cleansed. Then he continued narrating, that jesus was innocent and know notting but he stood onbehalf of man to make us pure and holy to be clean and white as snow

The Day Of His Resurrection

When Jesus had risen from dead, consequetly Easter was always celebrated on the first Sunday after 14 day on the mouth of Nisan. Increasingly, the churches opted for the sunday celebration and the Quartodecimans (14day of proponents). The council of Nicaen in 325 decreed that easter should be observed on the first sunday following the first full moon, after the spring equinox

Easter Sunday

On 17th day of April sunday which is d day . our parent but new dresses for us and some sowed new rappers that day was nice and intrested. I tagged that day as A day i can never forget .
We ate and drank like never before our parent cooked rice and stew while some cooked jellof and some ate pounded yam and soup prepared with goat meat and some of our local fishes every body ate untill they got tired. That morning everybody went to church that day service was the best of all after service we started visiting of aunt, cousins,aunty and uncles
We also went for outing there we saw many things which we havnt seen before. We bought ice -cream and pizza we ate enough then everybody went home


The easter worship service is one of the high point of the late 2nd century for many churches. Easter has also been a time for baptism. The coloums of eggs and tales of a rabbit who decorates and associated with the holiday and are enjoyed by christains and also by some non- chrisatainbin many places.


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