THE USB RUBBER DUCKY | @vectorshore

in blurtafrica •  8 months ago  (edited)

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Sometimes, the simple things ignore and we take for granted are the most dangerous things.
Hello everyone, in this blog I'll be writing about the USB Rubber Ducky.

The USB Rubber Ducky is a simple USD thumb drive just any other thumb drive. It could be used to save information and files, but most dangerously, it is used to house a virus.

This USB can hold a computer virus that can bypass firewalls, antiviruses, etc without being noticed. The viruses can also stay in the computer for decades without being noticed.


An hacker can simply write a computer malware or virus code for remote execution and place it inside of the thumb drive, and when he or plugs it into a system, in just a few seconds, this virus is transmitted into the system without the system or antivirus even noticing

This virus could be a Trojan horse, a backdoor, a worm, or even an information gathering virus that can be collecting and passing information back to the hacker at intervals.

It is also interesting to note that the USB Rubber Ducky can also be used to infect Android devices with malwares and Trojans. Once inserted, the virus begins to run and send back connection session to the hacker.


There are ways to be safe from getting your computer devices infected by this evil USB thumb drive. They include:

  • Do not plug in any and every thumb drive into your computer system.
  • Always backup your important documents to your cloud (Google drive, iCloud, etc) so that just incase if something bad happens, you can get back those important files and folders.
  • Always update your computer devices. When you do this, you apply security breaches patch which the manufacturer may have rolled out for the device.
  • Always turn on and leave your antivirus running. Updating it at all times when updates are available is also necessary.


In other to know if your system has been infected by a virus, there are some things to look out for:

  • Your system may overworked and overheat unnecessarily.
  • The system may also start malfunctioning without purpose.
  • Sometimes you may notice your webcame light turned on when not in use. When you notice this, it means an hacker is spying on you.

Thank you you so much for your continuous support. I really appreciate.

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