in blurtafrica •  9 months ago 


Hello everyone, I trust y’all doing well. Well, it’s been a while I posted, and I am back now to continue from where I had stopped. Today has been a very nice and sunny day for me over here. It has been calm, but also a bit stressful.

I woke up to the sound of the morning rain and I felt too tired to get up from bed. I was supposed to fetch water early this morning, but cos I was tired I couldn’t get up to go and fetch water. I went back to bed while my roommates carried the buckets to the well where we fetch water.

I woke up at about 6:32am which was like 30mins late than my usual waking up time. I felt so reluctant at first that morning, maybe cos of the rain. After sometime, I got up from bed and went to the well where we usually fetch water to assist my roommates to carry the buckets back to our lodge.

Thereafter, I took my bath, and then I downloaded a few videos from YouTube about Forex Trading; particularly the Fibonacci retracement indicator. I’ve been learning the Forex Market for some months now. I hope to know and understand more and more about the Forex market.

After watching the videos I downloaded from YouTube, I began to prep for work. I knew the work load at work would be a bit much cos the accreditation that is starting from next week Monday. I decided to have a good breakfast before going. Unfortunately, the place I love going to for breakfast was not open yet. Maybe I went late, or maybe cos the rain that fell the previous night till morning, they didn’t prepare their food early enough.

I had to go to work without having breakfast with the hope of getting some snacks in the same building of my work place. I got there and bought some snacks when I realized I had forgotten my android phone’s charger. I was already on 12% when I got to the office.

Since the distance from the corpers lodge where I stay isn’t far from my place of work, I decided to come back home so I could get my phone’s charger. I came back to the lodge and picked my charger and then went to back to the office. Just before I left the office earlier, I had already set up my personal laptop as well as the desktop in the office.

I then went back to the office and met my boss already sitted in her office as well. I welcomed her, and the day’s work began. I must say that was time consuming and stressful at the same time. My major work in the office was typing of letters and documents, and a little of file arrangements. Other staff members in the office were organizing files, etc while I was doing the typing works needed.
After work, I came back home, and had some rest, and then called my girlfriend on phone if she was free so we could go to a restaurant and have dinner, which she agreed. Thereafter, after an hour, I met her and we both went to a restaurant and had a nice meal for dinner. We talked for quite some time after the meal, and then we finally went back home. I walked her to her lodge and then I came back to my lodge.

In a nutshell, my day really went well despite the stress. It was happy ending as I had a good time with my girlfriend. Tomorrow is Community Development Service (CDS), and I will not fail to update you guys on how it will go. Thank you so much for stopping by, and for your continuous support. I truly appreciate it.

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