in blurtafrica •  9 months ago 

It was a beautiful Sunday I must say. I woke up early so as to get prepped for church service. I remembered I had some piece of clothes I needed to wash quickly before going for service so I quickly washed them and hung them outside.

The weather wasn't friendly, but I still had to wash and hang them. I wasn't really bothered if it would rain, but I also did hope that it doesn't. I quickly finished and had my bath, had breakfast and then I left for church service.

While in church it began to drizzle for some time, and later on there sun. I was very happy. I smiled as I looked outside and saw the sun shining. It also drizzled a few times after that, but in all the sun shunned more.

I got back home after service, had lunch, and immediately went to the office to complete the painting work I and one of my colleagues were painting. We started the previous day, so we had to complete it today so as to get the place set up and look more welcoming for accreditation in the institution where I work.

We finished painting and then rearranged the office so as not mix up the files and also make sure to easily locate any document we want. Sorry I absolutely forgot to take pictures as it slipped my mind that I would be writing my daily report.

Overall, it was a beautiful Sunday and I must say I enjoyed my whole weekend. Thank you everyone.

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