in blurtafrica •  9 months ago 

Hello everyone. I trust y'all doing well. It has been a beautiful Saturday and I must say that I'm loving the weekend. I hope you're also enjoying yours over there.

Well, as always, I woke up sound and healthy in the morning by God's grace, said my prayers, and started off with my chores. I woke around 8am tho today cos it was the weekend so I didn't have anywhere to go in the morning.

I did my chores as always, fetched water with my roommates and then went back to bed for a while because I was tired after fetching water. While lying down on my bed, I also played a few hymnal songs on my phone. So as not to disturb others, I used my headphones.

Thereafter, I got up from bed again, and then prepared to have breakfast. I had rice for breakfast and it was delicious. I thought of having the same for lunch, but well, I later changed my mind.

The day was a bit boring, so I joined my friends in the lodge to play the snooker board game. I'm still a learner tho, but I think I'm paying better than before now. I remember the first time I held the stick to play the ball, hahaha... It was hilarious 😂 I felt like a total noob. I thereafter took a walk to a close by area just to stroll a little.

After playing the snooker board game a few rounds and taking a stroll, I sat in the common room and took out my phone and opened my favourite social app, Whatsapp. I chatted with my girlfriend and we had a good time. Thereafter, I went back into my room cos I was feeling sleepy again, but then just before I could sleep, I got a call from my girlfriend that she's just outside of my lodge.

I went outside of my lodge and met her with her friend. They had come to a gas station to refill their cooking gas. We talked for a long time and I escorted them back to their lodge and came back to my lodge.

While in my room that evening, I got a call from the chairman of our church student's fellowship. He asked that I come for choir rehearsal cos we're having an occasion the following day in our branch in Yenagoa. Initially, I hadn't any plans of going, but cos of the rehearsal I had done with them, I had to change my plans.

The choir rehearsal went well and we'll be performing in the program as well. After the rehearsal, I came back to my lodge and then I had dinner at once. While having my dinner, I remembered the task which my boss had earlier asked me to do the previous day so I immediately charged my laptop as they put on the power generator in the lodge. Unfortunately, it didn't stay up to 10min cos of some issues. So, I didn't work on it again, but I'll definitely work on it today being Sunday after church service.

Thank you so much for stopping by and for your continuous support. I truly appreciate them.

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