What you shouldn't do in a job interview.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


So you have been sending your resumes endlessly,and there has been no response. Finally your phone rings and bam, you were shortlisted for am interview.Don't run off to the interview just yet, relax and read through my article to understand what mistakes could cost you your job.

Do not show up in a casual attire:

Most employers seek people with diligent, smart looking, and responsible individuals. This is because a wrong choice could tarnish the image of their company. So those tattoo, nose piercing or crazy haircut that you love so much all have to go.

Appear smart and clean:

Been well groomed should be the top priority, you know what they about first impressions it totally applies here. Be properly dressed with facial hair shaved or trimmed, and your hair(head) properly combed. Yes at times some individuals turn up with hair protruding from their nostrils, ear loves or eyebrows. Clothes are important, they give meaning to your appearance. Vertical stripes make you look taller while horizontal stripes make you look shorter. And also the way you knot your tie and it's length say a lot about you.

Never interrupt your interviewer:

Listen carefully to your interviewer, wait for them to finish talking then you can add your opinion to what they've said or anything else. This specially goes to those who already thought of an answer, even before the question is finished. Listen,pause comprehend and then answer. You will be more coherent on the same subject, do not blabber and wander off the topic.

Don't tell tales:

Never tell tall tales, exaggerate or tell lies. Interviewers are trained to spot lies and fabrications. There is no use lying about your past, don't forget there will be background checks. Be honest and straightforward.

Don't stare:

You do not have to look straight at the interviewers eyes. Don't start a staring match embarrass the interviewers or be irritatingly shy and demure

Don't have a limp hand shake:

Handshakes also tells a lot about your behavior or attitude. Never make a mistake of a fist bump. Keep your handshake firm, brief and polite. Remember you are not dealing with someone you know. It's just an handshake and not a arm wrestling competition. The interviewer may get pissed and with that your might loose your job

Don't get angry:

It might sound funny, but there are many incidents of candidates yelling at the interviewers, some turned violent. Keep your emotions in check at all times no matter what. Because you might not only loose your job, you might loose the opportunity of ever getting one.

Be polite and diplomatic:

Never forget to smile and use phrases like ‘please',‘thankyou'. It glows your chances up.

Don't tell your marital status:

You shouldn't talk about your marital status, religious beliefs or sexual orientation or ask about the interviewer's. Things like that should be kept private and should not be stated in your resume or brought up in an interview.

  1. Don't eat:

Yes that's right, don't chew gums or any snacks or turn up smelling of cigarettes or be reeking with your favourite perfume. This is because a lot of people are allergic to strong smells.

Do not be too casual:

Avoid being too casual, friendly or extremely shy. Keep a professional attitude. No sad stories. They don't guarantee your employment. Don't bring up family matters to the interview.

Don't talk Ill about your previous or present employers:

Don't talk Ill about your previous employers. It brings negativity in the interview and reflects on you badly.

Get information about the company:

Make research about the company. The name of the CEO, manger, aim of the company. All this information are important.

      There are a lot more to talk about, but above are some of the most important ones. Do you think you are ready for the interview now?
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It's interesting to see all this and it's very surprising to realise that many people do all these in an interview yet they expect themselves to be selected out of hundred other applicants.

I hope people get to read and pratice this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I hope do too, thanks