in blurtafrica •  4 years ago 

Continued from UNHOLY SUNDAY

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Do you have anything to eat in this house?

Sasha asked upon my entrance back into the room

Finally, our clothes made it into the washing machine. I woke up first and carefully escaped from Sasha's cuddle. Her clothes were still on the sitting room floor where I had met her naked. I grabbed it, dumped into the basket with detergent and water and set the machine to beat it clean.

Those ripples of Orgasm's left me with an empty stomach.

Well, I've got a loaf of bread in the fridge.
You know this is a Bachelor's house.
I'm barely home so I don't cook or have food stuff in that kitchen but I have a ball of cabbage, carrots and stuffs to fix us a salad.
Which would you prefer, Bread or salad?


She offered to come help in the kitchen. She wore the oversized shirt I had offered earlier and I was in my pyjamas. We talked more while we worked our meal. I got to find out she was an undergraduate with University of Ibadan, studying law.
She didn't look like a lawyer to me rather she was more appealing as a fashionista well glammed for Instagram.

In no time, our salad was ready and we headed back to the bedroom with our plates to settle down with a bottle of Coke and glue our eyes to the Telemundo TV channel she had selected.

After eating we placed the empty plates away and continued watching TV but we weren't seeing anything. Our minds wanted what would follow next.

I really need to be on my way. Its getting late and I don't want your girlfriend to come and break my head ooo.

I immediately recognized the pun in that statement. Nigerian girls would try to protect themselves from your invincible maybe unavailable girlfriend using this statement just to find out if you have any.

They would rarely ask you where is your girlfriend or if you have any, instead, they'd put it to you that you could be dating a psychotic chic who could burst the door open at anytime and infringe on them. Your response would be her next sign to be at ease and linger on maybe for days in your house or round up whatever it is that's going on.

Often times when a comment like this is made it simply means you're fun to be with and I'd like to stay with you but do you have a woman that could barge in at any time?

I wonder why women can't just be straight with their queries and investigation, what could they possibly enjoy seeing the opposite gender tongue tied?

Nah... I don't have a girlfriend O-FFI-CIA-LLY

I saw her paused, her eyes switching left to right as she was processing the word officially and why I had stressed it so.

So this is a slaughter house and I'm a sheep that's been led here?

And here we go now. This hanty is trying to play the emotional blackmail card on me.

She could have asked what my reasons were or if I had a lover I was keeping secret. No!!! She went straight for the throat.

I feel attacked.
I only offered to help you clean up.
Not all bachelors are playboys.
That we are romantically involved now was initiated by you.
Please don't put this on me.

I was getting irritated already. I lifted myself out of bed with a hiss which should tell her I wasn't happy. Who does she think she is? I was getting infuriated while I made way to the bath.

I guess the cold running water did more than wash my skin, it also cleared my brain. While in the shower, I thought about the recent stories popping up on Twitter and Facebook.

I am not a celebrity hence slamming me with rape allegations would would not ripple the internet which is bye bye to whatever intended social media popularity anyone making attempts to accuse me would get. However, my small reputation could be ruined. How do I explain that I laid with a strange girl in less than an hour of us getting home? With no witnesses in my flat to see that she voluntarily walked with me neither neither was there a live in roommate to tell his own side of the story.

Bode chill joor, she's just being a woman.
I heard my inner voice assuring me.

Yes she's just being a woman, so also was the case of Trump's nominee Brett Kavanaugh. I mean that professor waited till he became successful and was about moving up the ladder before speaking up about something that happened in their high school days.

While the voices in my head continued their debate, my mind drifted to Sasha, her petite frame and my masculinity.

Worse she could be underaged.

How stupid have i been?
I stopped the running water and tip toed out of the tub clad in nothing but a towel around my waist.
Sasha was still in bed fiddling with her phone. I stood observing her again from the bath door.
Yes she was small but her matured face was screaming 24-28, she can't be underaged.

Would you like a bath?

I broke in hoping to catch her off guard so by reading her reactions, I could decipher what she was up to with her phone. She didn't even nudge or as much as blink. So much for surprises.

Would you stay and bath me.
Wash all you poured inside of me?

How she managed to spoil the first romantic comment with the second was eerie. It was supposed to be sarcastic but I felt it was her way of reminding me that I had not used any form of protection against STDs or worse PREGNANCY. Which is even more worrisome, the fear of contracting a disease or the fear of responsibility?

I stood, wide eyed weighing which was messier, my initial fear in the bath or the one I just heard now. Then she spoke again.

Don't worry.
I'm on the pills

She dropped her phone on the dresser and got out of bed. She stopped just inches away from her puffy nipples touching me, looked up and planted a kiss on my lips.

I hope it was just sperm cells you transmitted?
I'm just 27, still have life ahead of me.

You're 27?

It was such a relief that i didn't have to ask her myself (I was already battling how I'd ask a lady her age). Now that she mentioned it i really needed to be sure I hear 27 and not 17.

Yea, i know I don't look it but....

No you don't.
For some seconds in the bath I had feared you were under aged.
I was worried about my fate already.

She chuckled and embraced my wet body. Placing her face on my chest, her head just below my jaw.

It's surprising that you don't have a girlfriend.

She looked up at me.

But all that can wait. First I need that shower.

She released me and walked past me into the bathroom.


I just showered

So? Come and bath me

In my head I wanted to remind this babe that though I was grateful for saving me the sweat of underaged hassles, I wasn't in the market shopping for a relationship.

She still went on.

Can't Nigerian men be romantic?

Wos bi (means "look here" in Yoruba)
My name is not Romanus, if you're looking for Telemundo kind of man, you should board a plan to the Philippines or Korea. I'm African we love our women like a mother loves her child and would give her life in exchange for her offspring but barely says I love you.

I hear you was all she said trying to avoid an argument but she still stood affixed.

It was 5pm already, my boys would stop by anytime or would prefer to run down my phone battery in bid to bring me to the pub as soon as possible while we analysed or argued the results of the games played over the week. Peradventure they decided to stop by the house, I didn't want any of them meeting Sasha. I would be the topic if discussion for the rest of the incoming week.

I figured I either come up with an excuse of my unavailability to the boys or get rid of this daughter of Eve. The latter didn't seem possible anytime soon so I walked up to my bedside and called the Oscar. He'll communicate the message to the rest. I proceeded to the naked body in the bathroom.

Her mouth felt so warm i didn't want to come out. It kept calling me deeper into her throat but I was worried I'd choke her. On the other hand, Sasha urged me deeper. It seemed she was trying to stretch herself to see how much she could she could take in.

While in the shower, Sasha enjoyed the sound of her voice more. It was as though she was giving her autobiography. I was an earful.

She told me to pause, she wanted to piss. When I squatted, I took that as my queue to change the already deafening conversation and start a new one...without words.

I loosed the towel around my waist and stood in her face. She needed no words, she smiled, grabbed it and looked up. With her eyes fixed on my face she put the tip to her tongue first then like a lollipop she took it to the side of cheek. Soon she was bucking back and forth and now she decided to take it deep into her throat.

Satisfied with her new record of throat work, she held my hands and pulled me downwards into the tub. I got the hint and sat with my legs stretched straight under her.

Holding my shoulders, she guided herself down and soon I could feel her jellylike walls greeting my rocky piston. It was a smooth entry as her insides now familiar with my instrument didn't resist, it made the navigation well lubricated.

Instead of the normal slow horse riding that would see her clitoris rubbing on me and bring her close to climaxing, she opted for the bounce.

She held the edges of the tub and supported her up and down movements. It was unexciting for me, I knew if she continued I'd loose concentration and become flaccid. I pulled her small waist towards me withy left arm using the other arm to pull her puffy nipples into my warm mouth.

As soon my tongue and her nipples made contact I felt her body shudder and her hips pressing down on me as she grinded. I took each breast one after the other without letting go of her waist nor her back.
Soon she picked up the pace and grinded deeper and harder. Her hands have now left the edges of the tub but not wrapped around my head.

She pulled my face away from her breast and locked gaze with mine. I knew she was coming, her hips was now faster deeper and now irregular.
Her hands now tighter on my face sides she pushed her head backwards and I knew she was at the brink but I wanted to test her limits.

I watched her make different faces, and just when she announced her arrival I grabbed her nipples with my mouth and squeezed around it with my tongue softly yet so hard.

She erupted.

Twisting and turning in my strong arms she was the version of her epileptic self. Her eyes now white had lost its black pupil and her nails digging deep into my skull. I could feel her liquid dripping down my piston which continued to nod itself inside of her. I didn't let her off my mouth, my tongued continued to work itself swirling around her nipples as I felt them become softer and softer.

She was recovering, her stunned hips received consciousness and made lazy efforts to ride amidst occasional shudders that rippled through her like an electric shock.

Sasha took her time to catch her breath, and after a long pause she locked her forehead with mine, looking down she said...

Thank you.
I have never experienced an orgasm so tensed before.

You should have seen your face

I teased her.
For the first time I saw her shy. Indeed she was embarrassed I had seen a part of her she didn't know had.

How about your Boyfriend?
Where is he based?

She looked at me not sure how to respond to my question. Whether to tell the truth or to make up words.

He's based in Ibadan.

He's a student too like you?

Yes. He's in his 4thyear.
Final year.

I relished how her answers made her feel like dating a fellow student was childish. I immediately felt sorry for the poor boy who might be thinking the love of his life was safely back from and safe at her parent's, unknowingly to him she was collecting another man's d*ck.

I'm sorry about earlier.
You sounded upset
I thought you were a player and I was just another addition to your count.

In my mind I replied "before nko" but I didn't want to spoil the fun so....

You asked about my girlfriend.
I don't have any because I keep meeting girls like you.

She raised her brows

Girls like me?

Yes girls like you that are taken.

I saw the creases on her face relax.

I see.
I hope you find one too

The pain in her voice suggested she would have loved to be that one except that she had a lover, a lover it seemed she loves and this between us shouldn't have happened. Further into the dilemma, she enjoyed it and wished it wouldn't stop.
Such a poor thing.

I kissed her forehead

I need to iron your clothes for you.
I'd hate for you to be missed at home tonight.

I guided her up, while I ran water on my body and stepped out of the bathroom.

A quick look at my wrist watch and it was 7pm. I brought Sasha's gown to her seated by the dresser styling her hair.
I picked up my phone to inform the boys I was able to beat traffic and would be joining them soon.
I stepped into a pair of black jean, threw on a white shirt and in no time I was set casually for a night outing.

Sasha too returned to that dashing person I met in church hours ago but this time she was glowing naturally. _So much for a good f*ck.

We stepped out it was getting dark already and I was grateful for that.
This would avert the questioning eyes by onlookers on my street.
My phone rang and it was the Uber I had ordered. (Yes Uber. I know I said I didn't have money for Uber initially but come on, I couldn't risk her on a bike or stuffed in a bus that late night. I am a gentleman after all).

This is where our journey for today ends. I had a swell time, thank you for playing a part of it.

Without words she gave a bear hug, the kind mothers give their children after dropping them off at a boarding school for the first time.

Thank you.
It was the best.
I hope to see you again.

I know right.

I teased her with wide grin.
She hit me on the chest and made for the door of the car, I quickly opened for her and waited till she got in before closing the door.
She was still waving at me when the driver throttled off.

I stopped a bike and instructed him to take me the location where my boys were chilling out. I know Malik would want to hear all that transpired with me and Sasha.

That boy too like amebo (gossip).

While on the bike headed for the pub, I got thinking.
Sasha was too Petit she looks like a child. Also she isn't ready for a serious relationship with all its commitment, she'd only be able to make this hook up trips which in have no reason to complain about as far as the trip was directed to me.

However, If I asked Sasha to be serious with me she would even ditch that her boyfriend.
Nah!!! I'd do that and it would be bye bye to all the fun of bachelorhood.

I'll pass.



Thank you for reading.
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(DISCLAIMER: All characters mentioned are fictional. Diaries of the Nigerian Bachelor cannot and will not be targeted at any person or group of persons. We regret any semblance of any sort).

For more enquiries or you want to share your real life story as a Bachelor or with a Bachelor send me a mail today and weight feature your story with complete anonimity.
[email protected]

Read also
ROMANCE WITH UBER: The series, part 1
ROMANCE WITH UBER: The series Part 2
ROMANCE WITH UBER:The series Part 3

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