If you are not ready for parenting can you please stop having unprotected sex

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

If you are not ready for parenting can you please stop having S.E.X.

Can we please stop giving birth if we are not ready.

I have seen this severally but what i saw today broke my heart.

Three kids in the middle of the road looking lost as to how to cross, the eldest couldn't have been more than six years old.

Cars were speeding by, i saw them at a distance and had to stop.

Every morning while taking my kids to school and when coming back, i have had to stop severally in the middle of the road put my hand out to stop other cars just to allow school children cross the roads.

Most of this kids are underaged and they are crossing the express with no adult supervision.

What sort of parents leaves their kids to go on the road themselves or was their pregnancy different from mine, because if it is the same nine months i used to birth mine they used they shouldn't be that careless with their children.

Parenting is not about just giving birth, its a whole lot more than that.

I have had to speak to some mothers who tell me the children will adjust when i complain, they tell me of is part of training, what training please?

I am so angry this morning, if you are not ready for responsibilities dont go opening your legs as a woman and dont go flying your zip down as a man.

Please for those who will say that is how my mother also trained me and nothing happened to me, please you were trained wrongly.

My dad took us to school and brought us back all through. When my elder sister was doing her IJMB he would still take her and go bring her back, does that mean we were not properly trained.

That nothing happened to you doesn't make it right.

Avoid using suffering or your past experience to train your kids, your days are different.

How many cars were on the road during your days?

Do you know the number of kids that get missing on a daily basis now?

Sad tales everywhere, yet the trend continues.

Last year i saw two small boys who where hit by a motorcycle while crossing, the smaller one went flying on the road, someone rushed to call their mum at her shop because there were close to the house. It means she could have taken time to go pick them.

Yes i know we are busy but in all our being busy hmmmmm, find time for your kids.

Most of the women who do this are at home doing nothing, yet you send the kids out, even if you are working or have to ho out early find someone to help you take them to school.

We keep complaining about loose morals, indecent behaviors and dressings.

Until we as parents start taking up our responsibility things will continue to go down.

May we not cry over what can be avoided.

Can we please start speaking up and educating those around us who do this.

When you see kids trying to cross the road if you are driving please stop for them, that one minutes doesn't mean you wont get to where you are going.

If you are walking please help them cross.

If as a parent you allow your small kids go to school themselves please stop it.

This is my first sermon this morning according to my pastor.

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