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I don't pay attention to that right now. Due to the small velocity, coupled with a few people make sure to not allow it to fall to far due to their dedication to this project it isn't a good barometer.

We are still early in this project, and going through growing pains as those leading us walk through uncharted areas as they make us unique (and better than the others).

I feel badly for those who must sell Blurt right now, as I do believe there will come a day of good traction where the price is much higher due to a much larger velocity fueled by a wide demand.

For right now, the foundations are still being built. Every one of us here now are making the decision on whether to be part of that foundation or not, and how strong the foundations are by the choices we make here.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You're very right. I just wish people will learn to appreciate the little beginning of projects especially in the dApps space.
Currently I'm having problems with convincing my fellas to join blurt social media because they feel the price of blurt is still low but I'm not bothered anyway, in a short while they'll wish they joined earlier.

Thanks for your comment on this 👍🏾

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Since my experience with Steem, I don’t take young projects like these for granted. From STEEM to HIVE to BLURT and etc.