
in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


I watched a movie a long time ago and it hit me. Rape, being caused by negligence on the part of parents. The story was carved out to perfection and I am impressed. I hope I will be able to do justice to it.

I am a firm believer that parents should make everything comfortable for their children but they should never over indulge them. They need to be there for their wards as at when due but there should always be balance.

They parents would sometimes travel for six months without any of them being at home, leaving just their two children at home; a boy and a girl. The girl would always dress up in the presence of the elder brother, not knowing he has been getting sexually aroused by that. He has been looking for a perfect opportunity to exercise his thoughts until one day when the younger sister was eaten up with guilt because she accidentally hit a mad man, and she ran away. He overheard the conversation and he used that as a blackmailing tool and he slept with the younger sister. He did it for several weeks until the sister died.

They tried to pin it on the gatekeeper who they have always assumed was a rapist, but with several investigations, they noticed it was the brother; based on the diary of the late sister.

We often look for an easy person to blame, when we have failed in our duties.

The brother was arrested and it was obvious the parents just lost two children. Life doesn’t come with manuals so we need to learn from other people’s experiences so we won’t have to make the same mistake.

We need to be careful about children particularly, in this social media age. We need to give proper monitoring to them even in our bid to give them a better life. We need not to over pamper or over indulge them where situations are concerned. The boy that raped and later killed his sister by mistake, later told how he has been left all alone with his sister for months anytime his parents travel for months. He felt lonely for years and he found a greater company with his sister.


Parents need to understand the greater responsibilities that have been placed in their care in raising their children. A lot is involved in raising a child and just like marriage; you need to be very sure about it before deciding it. You need to be absolutely sure and ready before putting a child into this world. If you are the busy type, take a pause for the time being on having a child or better still find a better alternative for them.

Children must never be deprived of the privilege of having their parents being involved in their lives. They need that figure in their lives so they can make the right choice always. With proper attention and education on what to do and what not to do, the above scenario might have not happened. If the parents have a better communication with their children, then the children can easily approach them without fear or restraints.

I condemn the act of the brother too. He should have shown the support that is expected from a brother to his sister and make things right without taking undue advantage of her. Rape is a serious crime and I am deeply saddened it is gaining ground in a great way while spreading like wild fire. I condemn the act and advise those who perpetuate this act to desist from it. It is dehumanizing to defile another human and strip that person of his or her choice by having canal knowledge of them. A raped victim will be condemned to low self-esteem, lack of confidence to address issues and such a person might leave in perpetual fear which will hinder their potentials. Such an experience would carve in a raped victim’s heart a lack of sense of worth; a feeling of worthlessness, being reduced to a mere sex object and also lack of purpose.

Parents should educate their children on how best to act. These children see what is going on and we need to create a better atmosphere for them to thrive by trusting us with vital information that will make or mar the journey of their lives.

Rape is real and we should all condemn it. We need to be better parents as well as better humans. We need not to repeat negative occurrences but we know we can do better than what the society dictates. Let’s be better humans for ourselves and the children to come through us.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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That was so sad. Parents should never stop monitoring their children. They need constant attention but it shouldn't be too much not to give them the space they need. There are things they should know and things they shouldn't.

Parents would be blamed and regret it if things like this go wrong.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are right and that's the reality. When things go wrong, the parents would always be blamed for it. It's their responsibility no matter what. I understand they are trying to make ends meet but they should be able to build a relationship with their children where they can talk to them about anything.

It's all about balancing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Exactly. Balance is needed.