Dear Mimi.

in blurtafrica •  4 years ago 


Dear Mimi,

Knowing you has been nothing short of a blessing and I say that with every sense of the deep understanding of that word. You are a happy child and you spread your happiness everywhere you go. Your influence spreads like a fragrance and you have that aura of happiness that makes it infectious to anyone who comes in contact with you. You do so effortlessly without you even knowing, sometimes. It has been a huge part of you already.

Behind the smiles and happiness is a strong lady who knows her worth and would never settle for less. You are that person who would never sell herself short nor receive a discount on it either and you carry yourself accordingly.

You like being free and expressive. You are cautious when you need to be and you show respect to all and sundry. Your heart is golden and so are you.

You have had your fair share in life as you have had some sad or crying moments yet you mask them up so well with your smiles, not because you are pretending but because you decided to leave what has happened behind and forge on ahead to better things; a trait meant only for those who have a deep understanding and love about life and God, respectively.

There were times you stained your pillow with your tears hoping for better days and asking questions when things would get better. You lived through those moments with hope because you know it gets better going forward. Nothing can down your spirit because of the realization of who you know you are on the inside.

I admire your strength, courage and living for hope. You made a lot of people understand that courage is not the absence of fear but the presence of fear and yet the will goes on. There are so many lessons on your trail and I love how you disengage from things that are not helpful to your journey.

With your abilities, I have no doubt you will do greater things because you are multi-talented. I love the fact that you try your hands on so many things just to gain mastery on them and nothing is too difficult to faze you. You take challenges on and not run from them even when it looks like the weights of these challenges can be pressing.

You are still on your path to better things and I know you will not settle for mediocrity because you know that the achievements of the past is a reminder of what is possible and not just to plateau there and think there is no better success to achieve.

You can always do better. You can always be better and I have no doubt that life will respond to your pressure because you don't give up easily.

Your name is 'Miracle' and every day of your life always remember that for every breath you take, that is a miracle as it means there is still another purpose to live for and another life to make better with the power of your smile and your impressive abilities.

Go on ahead and live up to your name, Mimi. The world is waiting for you. Never allow yourself to be a secondary character in your life's journey. Always take the bull by its horns and watch the world bow at your feet.

Yours sincerely,


Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.


Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order

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