Here Comes CovAids

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago  (edited)

It could be something, or it could be nothing. It could be another shot over the boughs or it could be just a fishing expedition. The person who sent me this seemed to think it was a distraction or a cover story. What am I talking about?

First off we need to ask some obvious questions.
1. How did an allegedly 'sexually transmitted disease' get transmitted during the height of lockdowns when all chances of sexually active people encountering each others body parts were quashed? No pubs, clubs, gigs, parties. No hugging, kissing not even shaking of hands let alone bumping of sexual parts was allowed.
2. How did all these randy people get hiv tested when no-one could even get past hospital/hellth clinic security even to see their dying mum. This is so blatantly a lie either the media and whoever fed them this story are morons OR they believe their readers are morons with the memories of goldfish. (Actually the goldfish memory thing has even been debunked now. They may actually have better memories than Sun readers to be fair.)

As if the lie is not obvious enough they even put their 'not so secret anymore) calling card to this piece of clearly propaganda. !
[InkedScreenshot 2022-02-10 at 17-12-58 Brits urged to get HIV tests as hetero cases higher for 1st time in a decade_LI.jpg]()

Oh and I almost forgot another side note (literally it's at the side of the original Sun article) right next to the secret number in fact -  

MUM'S LEGACY  Harry breaks silence after Camilla news to vow to finish mum Diana's HIV work
Yup it looks like they are going to go with this one with 'Royal' stamp of approval. They really don't want us breeding that is patently obvious.

You know what I think? I think they've plateau'd with their mRNA shot campaign, in fact it's fallen over the cliff of the plateau and is now skydiving. There is now an orderly queue of other pHarma businesses waiting to cash in on the back of this money laundering operation and maybe the AIDS business is next in line. People are not afraid of that old covid virus anymore, but maybe they would be afraid of the old bogeyman that's been simmering away in the gay closet since the 80's. Maybe they're hoping to inject some new life into the old dog yet?

OR maybe it's just another marketing ploy for GUESS WHAT! Yeh you guessed it ANOTHER VACCINE!
Now don't you think it's strange that in all this time they've never come up with a vaccine til now? Apparently they were testing one in Africa last year -
The results were as usual nothing short of disastrous but no doubt that won't stop them, it never did before. So are we about to see another rollout of a new gene-therapy shot cunningly disguised as another new 'vaccine'?

Perfect timing or what?

The links to the old AIDS fiasco were pretty clear from the start to some of us, even the major league players were the same.
1. Fauci and his deadly drug AZT for AIDS and now his new deadly drug Remdesivir for covid. An 'anti-viral' drug which branched out from the AIDS industry as did all other 'anti-virals'.
2. Kary Mullis and his PCR lab tool (stop calling it a test) which he clearly came out at the time to expose it's use as fraudulent for testing for the hiv virus. (Coincidence that he died shortly before the curtains opened on the covid show?)

Another parallel was the 'behind the scenes' battle about the isolation of the actual virus. They never did prove it's existance, never isolated anything, and Deusberg seemed to be the only dissident voice asking for proof it caused the made-up disease they were calling AIDS which was clearly caused by a coctail of illegal and legal medical drugs.

It was the whole hiv/AIDS debacle that sparked the 'do viruses even exist' movement which has grown even bigger through this covid scam so why would they risk linking the two together again now? Are they really stupid or do they think WE are stupid. Are they hoping it's all forgotten as we are a couple of generations past that PLUS they've managed to kill off a large portion of the generation that lived through it?

If like some you believe they are very clever and know what they are doing then either they think we are morons and won't join the dots OR they WANT us to know it's all a scam. I believe they do think we are morons (and lets face it some deserve that label) and they playing a game of pokerface with a bad hand. It's a chance they are willing to take which shows they are desperate and time is running out. They want so bad for their gene technology to be the next big thing. here was a big clue last year that this was where they were going with it;

So they are twitching the curtains on the next act in this 'New World Hellth Order' and you need to be ready so you don't get sucked into another binge-watchworthy series of propaganda sales pitches. I covered what they can and more importantly, can't do in my Amino Age article. (also on Blurt)

Fake it til you make it is their usual game plan and they don't seem to care how many people they hurt as long as we keep buying the products and filling their coffers. I've been asked to write about AIDS but I haven't because it has all been done already. All we need to do is find the old evidence and re-release it like a broken down record or a hollywood remake. So for those interested I will find some of the old (and some newer) links and put them here.

ADDENDUM: Today someone sent me their take on this and it's a very good film. It agrees with me in that HIV is an iatrogenic disease meaning it is caused by MEDICINE/vaccines.

AIDS Hoax: The truth behind the virus that never was 

The HIV Test Fraud 

What exactly is wrong with the way HIV has been isolated? 

HIV Positive? Depends on Where You Live
The HIV Western Blot Test
(Note: This article was originally written by Dr. Val Turner who graduated in 1969 from the University of Sydney in Australia.)
New article which ties everything together nicely the old and the new, covid and AIDS -

Deusbergs full book free:


"If there is evidence that HIV causes AIDS, there should be scientific documents which either singly or collectively demonstrate that fact, at least with a high probability. There is no such document." 

- Dr. Kary Mullis, Biochemist, 1993 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. 

"Up to today there is actually no single scientifically really convincing evidence for the existence of HIV. Not even once such a retrovirus has been isolated and purified by the methods of classical virology." 

- Dr. Heinz Ludwig Sanger, Emeritus Professor of Molecular Biology and Virology, Max-Planck-Institutes for Biochemistry, Munchen. 

"Fear of the Invisible" ( by Janine Roberts. 

Over 30 Years Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci's Verifiable Murderous Lies About the Alleged HIV Causing AIDS 

Austrian German Biologist Proves "HIV" Does Not Exist

House of Numbers (Full Length Documentary) 

Description of "House of Numbers" 

In House of Numbers: Anatomy of an Epidemic, an AIDS film like no other, the HIV/AIDS story is being rewritten. This is the first film to present the uncensored POVs of virtually all the major players; in their own settings, in their own words. It rocks the foundation upon which all conventional wisdom regarding HIV/AIDS is based. House of Numbers could well be the opening volley in a battle to bring sanity and clarity to an epidemic gone awry. 

AIDS truth exposed: Un-cut exclusive footage from House of Numbers
(AIDS can be reversed through a proper diet.) 

Documentary follow-up to House of Numbers.
The Emperors New Virus? - An Analysis of the Evidence for the Existence of HIV (Documentary)

The Greatest Medical Fraud in History - The Pain, Profit and Politics of AIDS

The True History of AIDS - Plus, Robert Gallo (the Man Who 'Invented' AIDS) Is Confronted During a Live Panel Question and Answer
(The scientist who created the AIDS hoax stated, "I created AIDS to deliberately depopulate humanity." I suggest dismissing each of Gallo's claims because AIDS isn't a virus and wasn't a scientific creation as some truth seekers have claimed. It was however created on computers (in silico) so technically it's a semi-truth) 

10 Scientific Arguments Why HIV Can NOT Cause AIDS
Dr. Duesberg
A clip from "HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?"

Fauci’s First Fraud 

HIV=AIDS: Fact or Fraud?
A Stephen Allen film

Over 30 Years Ago, Dr. Robert Willner Exposed Fauci's Verifiable Murdetous Lies About the Alleged HIV Causing AIDS

What the PCR Creator REALLY Thought About Fauci

By the by I was going to include a couple of articles I posted on Hive here but just had a look and all the writing on this post has disappeared. If anyone didn't believe Hive was censoring me take a look at this: It was showing that rna shots have indeed been tested before on us humans and that the HepB shot given to newborns (in USA at the time) were rolled out in UK and I for one believe it was the cause of Charlie Gards horrible outcome.

This one too:

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thanks for pointing out the censorship on hive. Since few of us ever go back to old posts, I wonder how much else has been removed and no one knows.

HIV is iatrogenic. I think a good case for all disease being iatrogenic could be made, now that most babies are vaccinated within an hour of birth, and plied with tylenol and other medical substances regularly. I know of a newborn who was prescribed antacids for crying. Mothers' common protective sense has been disabled.

Posted from

from my own research I would agree even back to the black death and the plagues, all point to iatrogenesis. Death caused by medicine.

FYI I don't know whats going on with the html editor today but it seems to be glitching somewhat. Trying to fix the mess it made of this post

yes yes yes and this

Yes they've been saying for years they have no more 'blockbuster' drugs in the pipeline, they've run out of money-making scams in their bag of chemical drugs business so rna is the new cash cow for them. Everything will be based on it from now on IF you even bother with modern medicine any more.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yep, the death jab is a fast track to aids alright...

HI FROT, have missed u mate xxx