GOOD NEWS (for a change)
The plandemic Treaty was dealt a sickening blow last week by a bunch of 'rogue countries'......... or is it 'poor countries'?
Hooray for AFRICA firstly who seem to be the go-to continent for common sensical narrative on world issues. I hear they have even been asking the Africans (Massai to be specific) about the gender nonsense, being foisted on our supposed 'civilized' western nations, with hilarious retorts.
actually scratch that, they're not hilarious at all they are absolutely true. The questions are hilarious.
Anyway back to the point, Africa has largely rejected the Pandemic Treaty and rightly so. Thank God someone is not taking this crap lying down.
Spurred on maybe by this cheeky rebuff a string of other 'dubious' countries have added their voice to the dissenting of a WHO coup.
Yay go Brazil. Hey didn't Trump also unsign the USA just before he got taken over by Biden, over the handling of the Convid plandemic? Did they retreat first then or has Biden put that toy back in the box?
So anyway it looks like the richer countries now have egg on their face and the WHO has run away tail between their legs to redraft their ridiculous treaty which they will re-present in 2024. Great we get a 2 year respite then unless they can pull another plandemic out of their arse and spring that on us.
This is why we must be vigilant about what they will throw at us, and they seem to be throwing a lot, will-nilly, short of the target mostly, fear missiles at us.
1-0 to us this time. Let's see what they come up with next.
Source of this news is an excellent (mostly) new media site from Australia. Some might call it 'right-wing' but then everything that's not bat-shit crazy these days is right wing isn't it -
2 right wings must be the new 2 left feet?
They will never stop... unless beheaded.
That video must have gone viral. It randomly popped up on my feed. Hahaha.
About COVID and Africa, a lot of pressure was put on African countries, including direct threats of economic sanctions and, in one of two cases, military "intervention". The handful of countries that refused to lockdown had their leaders removed (or attempted anyway), the most notable of which was Tanzania. President Magufuli the Great, RIP, 100% refused any lockdowns and opened the country up 100% after carrying out his own tests (he was a science teacher before he become president). He concluded his country was better off open with no special "measures" for COVID. This was based on multiple analysis; the sunny weather, the youth and incredible immune system of the African people, the general lack of the flu virus in the tropics, etc. Of course, he outlawed all COVID vaccines in Tanzania. I suspect you may know the story.
As a result, Tanzania became the fastest growing country in Africa during the period, being the only country that was out producing food and getting on with business. They recorded nearly zero deaths, even though they had American and European tourists swarming the country, being the only country open with no requirements. Their tourism industry also bloomed as many people discovered the paradise of Zanzibar for the first time.
Anyway, long story short, Magafuli suddenly found himself dead. The new president, naturally, implemented the "recommendations" of the WHO. LOL. Go figure.
Yes I do know the story and there were 2 other African presidents who ended up dead after defying the WHO. Not just the Mozambique guy but he was the most well known for his viral video of testing the papaya etc. He was amazing and gave us all hope.
I am skeptical , like the narrative plandemic WHO can be dropped for now ,.. the damage bin done , the economy destroyed and the supply lines ruptured .
With government financial structures at the brink of collapsing and a created energy crisis ahead they have now other way's to keep rolling out there one world government plan . The climate change hoax will get more attention now , witch fit's good with the created energy shortage's , no travel lockdowns might be set up . Dictatorial control on the streets , checkpoint's with tug's checking if any travel done is "essential" to the overlords .
While the people are occupied and distracted by a pushed and created narrative , they sneak in the next one , where mostly the effect's of the first make things easier for the next step ,.. or lock ,.. as it's lock-step fractal .
There's war and rumors of war , it's easy to push a financial collapsing government in to a war economy , where the made up narrative for this war , in there deluded view , will justify economic break down and stealing the private property's of it's citizens ,.. to keep them save , and protect them from this created enemy . For national security ,.. how can one refuse that , threatened by the WEF gang tug pointing a gun at you while walking the street's .
It might seem the WHO beast was beheaded ,.. but be aware , the monster has many heads and the beheading was probably fake ,.. so plandemic's will return one day . To kill the beast will acquire to chop of all it's heads at ones , if not it's heads will just grow back .
But yeah ,.. a little victory for Africa ,.. a positive sign at least .
Yes you're right and I did do another blurt out yesterday on exactly the scenario you describe happening in Ireland now (or threatening at least).
I remember there where car-free Sundays in the 70ths in the Netherlands .
There was a "oil crisis " and the oil in the world would only last 10 more years .
All the street's motorways and highways where empty on these Sundays .
The sheep obeyed a ridiculous narrative , thinking not driving the car on Sunday ones a month was solving the world oil energy crisis . It was mandatory , but wasn't fined when you did , witch i found out the only real way possible .
My dad couldn't be bothered , he took the family anyways on a family visit on Sunday . A ignorant authoritarian mindset my dad had , so i got to enjoy the scenery from empty roads everywhere as a kid . It wasn't even a pull over police stop , no , while waiting at a stoplight a motorcycle cop stopped along side my dad's open window . Sir , good day first , but do you realize it is a car free Sunday ? ,. My dad replied ,.. Very nice day to you sir to , and yes , i see ,.. no cars anywhere , very good . But i am a very hard working man managing multiple stores six days a week , i use Sunday to enjoy my earnings and that mostly involves driving my car , it is my right to do so i think , no matter what is going on in the world today .
Alright sir , thanks for the chat , ill inform the other cops about your stance ,.. you won't be bothered again , have a nice day .
The change is in the little things ,.. mandatory used to be a free choice , like ignoring it had no negative effect on you like a fine or prison time . And the masses take it , absorb it , and live by it , unknowing the way they are being fooled ,.. again and again .
Seen your post yes , .. can't deny it's influence on the comment i did , it matches and has overlap with views i have yes . But wasn't even aware of it until you now pointed at it .
Am i right ? ,.. maybe , but i would really like to be wrong ,..and have some brighter future view to share then this dystopian crap . ;-)
You are so right about mandatory not being what we think it is. I never once wore a mandatory mask in shops and no-one stopped except twice and both young men who I politely told no thanx. I drove to the other side of the county when we had the 5km rule which was ludicrous as my nearest shop is 14km away. Your dad sounded great, just what I would do lol.
My dad great ?,.. he had his moments yes .

Could best describe him as a less over the top image of this guy .
Even visually very accurate in body type and posture .
He's 81 now , no longer authoritarian , just ignorant , fully jab'd muzzled and self isolated out of fear spread by fake narratives . While accepting woke cancel culture out of his strong believe in democracy .
The Tavistock 60ths didn't get him ,.. but the woke 2.0 age did get him now .
How i saw propaganda turn man in to whimp's ,.. everywhere .
Sigh .... let me not start about woman , and what has changed now woke-ism cancel culture and victim mentality rule the masses . Let me just say , i true all my life have seen it like this ,.. Man are the leaves that give shade and shelter from rain , woman are the branches that keep them up and sprout new tweaks to grow out to branches and leaves .
And victims ,.. children raped tortured hunted and murdered out in the woods of sinister old castles .
That is what i call victim's ,,... real victim's of today's politics . I get sick and enraged when deep diving that stuff ,.. clear evidence of a thing hidden well by distraction true media propaganda , and pushing a agenda to accept mental disorders like pedophilia as a normal standard .
Well , bin nice chatting ,. i might do post's my viewpoints some day , a bit holding back on that for now , for the past learned me that some will start throwing stones at me , witch never hit me , but do hit the ones standing close to me . So thanks for still hanging around . :-)
I look forward to you sharing your true thoughts then. Sounds like you have some important things to say.
Sad about your dad, makes me wonder how my dad would have faired. Lost both my parents in my 20's.
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