Drenched On A Visit ~ Comedy

in blurtafrica •  last year 


I received a surprise call from one of my old-time friends. It was a long call as we reminisced on old-time stuff. How we used to go out on Friday to have fun with enough ladies in the pack. But now, we are far away from each other and those times were when we had no responsibility. Things have changed now. After the long call, I wanted to save his contact on my phone but could not because both the phone and SIM card were filled.

The only available option was to delete one or two contacts that may not be needed anymore. As I scrolled through my contacts, I found the contact of one of those babes We used to go out and have fun back in the day.

Quickly, the memories snapped in my head and I dialed the number. You know, I thought the phone number may not be in use anymore. My thoughts weren't true as a tiny voice from the other end of the phone spoke:

Hello, Sly!! This one you remember me today, hope all is well. She said,

I was shocked because I wasn't expecting the number to ring. The words to say to her weren't coming.

Siju, I just found your number on my contact list. I never knew that the number would be in use. How have you been?

It wasn't long before I put up an act of a smart dude. I started yanking those sweet words I used to whisper to her ears. From her responses, I knew the words were entering her senses, at least, that's what I thought.

Sly….you ehn… it's only when you feel this way that you used to call me.

I felt so much guilt at her utterance but continued the conversation anyways.

It's not so joor. I just couldn't resist you anytime we talk or come in contact

After all said, Siju agreed to come. over to her place if I could still find my way.

RODNAE productions

With hesitation, I went to the bathroom for a quick shower. Put on black jeans and a designer top, the newest in my collection. Then, I applied a Tommy Hilfiger perfume in every part of my body and on the cloth I was wearing.

When I reached Siju's apartment, her burglary proof was padlocked. Immediately, my ego burst. A lot of thoughts ran through my mind but then, I knocked again. Then, I heard her voice from inside the apartment.

Hold on a minute.

One thing isn't right. How could she be inside and her proof under lock and key? A few moments later, she appeared from inside and opened the door. She then turned back……before I could say, Jack Robinson, a full bucket of water had landed on me.

I was so drenched, ashamed and confused. Siju did not utter a word after the attack. She just returned into her room and bolted the door.

I just stood there, speechless. To avoid her neighbours from coming out to see me, I took a bold step and walked away from the scene. I have since learned a lesson. I have stopped checking my phone contacts.

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