Bail Up

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

In the middle of the night, Martins went to ease himself in the bathroom and heard sounds in the kitchen. In his mind:

These rats won't just go to sleep.

He tiptoes towards the kitchen and to his surprise, there are two adult males clad in black t-shirt and jeans and a black head warmer. They were busy devouring the remaining portion of the jollof rice, which almost cost the whole house to burn down.

Casey, Martins' wife had been busy prepare dinner in the kitchen and shuttling between the living room where she was watching a favorite television drama series, Fuji House of Commotion. And within the winking of an eye, the pot caught fire.

Martins was surprised. Are these witches or rats turned humans? The guys were not aware that the owner of the apartment was standing right behind them.

As one of them stood to fetch a cup of water to push down the jollof rice he saw Martins. He quickly brought out his gun and asked Martins to put up his hands.

Bail up! Put your hands up where I can see them.

Now, it has dawned on Martins that they guys were armed robbers.

How could an arm robber infest food in the kitchen is a puzzle that Martins could not solve at the moment.

He was wondering how they came in in the first place. None of the doors or windows were burgled.

They led him into the room to wake everyone.

The guys who had entered the estate to rob a ln abroad returned, we're being chased by vigilantes in the estate. It was an opportunity for them to see Martins' kitchen door opened ajar. They entered and bolted it up from behind.

The vigilantes have returned back to their duty posts having searched for the criminals for over two hours, they thought they had escaped.

As everyone was brought to the living room, with the masked men acting to shoot anyone who makes a dangerous move.

They told Martins and Casey to put off their mobile phones and then drop them on the phones on the table.

Altogether, there were six occupants in the flat. Two beautiful ladies who wear makeup to bed. As the robbers announced that they would be moving out by 6:30am in the morning, Lizzy, one of the beautiful girls, asked to ease herself.

The youngest robber with his fun led her to the bathroom. As she entered to lock the door, he followed him.

Don't you have regard for a woman?

Lizzy retorted.

You think I am here for jokes. If you don't want to wee, I'd jolly well lead you back to the living room.

She began to pull her panties seductively, making some kind of luring to the robber who foolishly dropped his gun on the sink and made to touch Lizzy in some crazy ways.

They did get along with some smooching as Lizzy went for the gun.

Bail up, you fool.

The robber started to laugh at Lizzy.

Let's see who is the fool here!

He went straight to rough handle Lizzy. But she acted fast and shot the gun, it was just a mere you gun.

By then, the robber had caught Lizzy and tied her hands to her back with her panties, then led her to the living room.

When Martins and Casey saw they here Lizzy returned with her hands ties to the back, they tried to stand but the other robber who had been with family in the living room shouted:

Sit down!

Then Lizzy broke the news:

They are holding toy guns.

The whole family pounced on the robbers and gave them a beating of their lives then tied them with ropes.

Martins couldn't believe that he was bailed up with a toy gun.

As the robbers were down on the floor, the older one kept asking what had happened?

That lady is a seductress, she lured me to dropping my gun……my toy gun

Lead image by Anna Shvets at

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