Eco-tourism and Responsible Travel

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago  (edited)

An article I did some time ago for one of my businesses

Subject: Ecotourism
The world tourism industry is the industry largest in the world. With this sort of power there is so much potential for environmental and social harm, but there are things that can be done while traveling to decrease the impact or even reverse it.

The Tourism Giant
Being the largest industry in the world it is not hard to imagine all the waste, pollution and social harm that can be done by tourism. Think about all of the towels and sheets being laundered everyday at hotels, the water this uses and chemicals that are released into the water. Looking into the sky at the jet trails you realize the amount of fuel and emissions from airlines is unfathomable. Along with the extra traffic from rental cars, airport shuttles, and taxis, this all adds up and takes its toll.

Stay home?

Wouldn’t environmentally responsible travel just involve staying at home? This may be true and especially with international travel.

Staycations, bike trips, bus trips, or more localized travel would be the most environmentally responsible. But there are some very important learning experiences along with the cross-cultural exchange of dialogue that is only gained via international travel. Hence it is important to visit other nations for the benefit of human development and even for possibly creating a better world and environment for future generations

What can be done?

So, other than walking on the next vacation what can be done to be a more responsible tourist? Below are a number of things you can do to be a more responsible tourist, in terms of the environment, conservation and social responsibility.

  1. Research the Destination: learn about the environmental challenges they are facing, learn about the customs, and try to learn some of the basics of the local language.

  2. Enlist the help of an expert: There are many companies like Green Bug Adventures out there that can help you plan your trip to be more responsible, or even connect you with the most responsible local tour companies, lodging providers and sites to visit.

  3. Give feedback to lodging providers: Ask them what they do to help the environment, let them know you appreciate it. Tell them that you do not need your sheets and towels washed every day.

  4. Carbon Offset your vacation: There are a number of organizations out there that will let you offset the carbon generated from your trip.

  5. Hold airlines accountable: Rather than just offset write to your favorite airlines telling them that you would love to see them reduce their emissions. You can also write to your congressman about the airline companies.

  6. Pack it in Pack it out: When visiting natural areas take all the trash out that you took in, and dispose of it responsibly.

It is important for us to experience the world, just think about the locals, and the environment when planning your vacation.

Happy Eco-friendly traveling.

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