Building and Implementing A compost system for a Hotel

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

A few weeks ago in a post I briefly mentioned putting together a compost area for the hotel I manage. Today I would like to show you it in action and also the signage I used.


Here is the compost area in use. So far we have had just some brow waste bio mass. The part behind the bamboo is the main functional compost area. The corner to the right is where we will stage large more woody items to take and put in the swales of my farm when convenient. This past week after the additions to the system seen below we have started adding the kitchen waste.


A top view inside.

The staging and overflow area for larger items.


These are the compost buckets for the kitchen. The larger one is by the dishes sink and will see a little bit more use from the leftovers and things. The smaller one is for the prep area and will see veggie scraps and things. These were some signs that I found online and I also adapted adding lists of things in addition to the pictures and then laminating them and tapping them to the bucket so it is very clear.


I also had another more general sign about green and brown waste made for the compost area itself. You can see both signs here.

We are about 1 week in with this and everything is working pretty well. I have an abundance of grown waste in the bin so when the kitchen waste gets put in it is just turned into the brown waste so it is not on the surface collecting flies or pests.

The only other problem I have had is the trash guys picking up my staged items to the right. I have made it clear to them not to touch these things in the future.

I think we are seeing a reduction in waste and lest smell associated. I am hoping to have a very hot compost pile and maybe one day I can look at incorporated the seafood leftovers but for now they are not being included. I have put on the gardeners check list to turn it each week I just need to get a pitch fork for him to make this easier.

All images are taken with a Huawei Y7 Prime phone.

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This is phenomenal.

You should consider at some point making a book to self publish from your posts. You would probably need to rewrite the sentences to avoid issues, but this is really valuable stuff you share. Given the likelihood of collapse (especially forced collapse) so many of us in the so called civilized world have long forgotten so much about real independence and living with the land.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks. Yeah I just hate to see organic matter thrown into bags and thrown out. Not to mention just the simple economics of less trash and less other sources of organic matter to feed the farm.

In what ways would I run into problems with publishing my work from here, do I not still own my own copywright? I know there is a bunch of editing to do though lol. That is part of what I love about blurt since it is so multicultural things like spelling and grammar are overlooked for over all meaning. And as a native english speaker I have always struggled with such things even so it is nice to just rattle away on the keyboard without worrying about the writing nazi's so much.

In what ways would I run into problems with publishing my work from here, do I not still own my own copywright?

Many of the self publishing platforms such as Amazons Kindle doesn't want people publishing their work that is already free to read on the net on their platforms. I used to self publish a lot and still receive fluctuating royalties for it and have seen many accounts banned for doing this.

My mechanics are also not the greatest, and for most self published work paying an editor is not a choice. One thing that aided me immensely and you should consider if you do self publish is to use a program to read your words back to you. Many grammar flaws can be found simply listening to it being read back to you.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good Advice thanks.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We have a space allotted near our house, where compost is made. Waste things is recycled here. you can used this compost in field or garden...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes it is something we always did when I was a kid growing up in the US also. My parents did a lot of things right I think.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very good. But here we cannot use indigestible waste material. Such as polythene, polyester, nylon, plastic etc. These do more harm to the environment. We can't compost these. Therefore, the use of such substances should be reduced and recycling should be done in the right way.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes it is not possible to compost plastics and not healthy to try either. Sadly there is very little options in recycling either. It is about finding a second use for them and reducing the use of them.