Today is ended and tomorrow is gonna be another day to think about the constantly diminishing economy and how it has begun to affect everyone including the rich. Unemployment is all over the country, crime rate is increasing daily and fuel scarcity is the mew normal, plus an increment in fuel price.
The heat is so much that one bag of pure water isn't enough for a person as we get dehydrated within seconds. The electricity company isn't making things easier, there's been zero electricity for days, weeks, which makes the heat even unbearable. An alternative would be to power the generator while putting on the fan or air conditioner to eliminate the heat, unfortunately fuel scarcity as previously mentioned.
It's another night of struggling with the blood sucking demons called mosquitoes. They've begun to attack my arms, legs and so on.. I'm at this point ignoring them until I finish this article, after which I'd set up a mosquito net around the bed. My own way of escaping their wrath since there is no mosquito repellant and I'm not willing to buy one. Even if I wanted, its past 11 pm already, and I wouldn't be able to get one by this time.
If only electricity was available, I wouldn't worry about the mosquitoes since the fan is gonna be on and the breeze would be too much for the mosquitoes to handle.
Setting up a mosquito net seems like the best option for me tonight, unfortunately it would mean that I'd have to bear the heat since mosquito nets are designed to keep air out for reasons unknown.. I'd have to choose the heat tonight as long as my blood wouldn't get sucked and wouldn't risk having something called Malaria.
The lack of electricity is the major reason I've been unavailable to interact with anyone here on
I sincerely hope tomorrow will be different as my laptop has been dead since the early hours of today and I have no idea if I'm gonna be able to get it charged.
I'd have to try to go to bed early tonight so I can wake early as I have an appointment by 8 am- something business related.
I'm hoping to go to bed early unfortunately it may not work as planned since my body clock is a bit messed up. I tend to stay awake till way past midnight basically doing nothing but staring at deep space while occasionally thinking about how my childhood left too early... I'd rather not talk about this tonight.
The economy is diminishing but I'd survive. I'm only hoping the country doesn't turn to dust before the leaders realise that they're running nothing but a failed nation.