When things get heavy, the clouds rain too.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


It is okay to let out all the emotions inside you. And no, it does not signify weakness on your part. Don't buy the society's idea that you have to be strong always, or at least fake being strong. The society is wrong. Admit what you feel and let it out when necessary.
Consider the clouds, of course it holds in a lot. But when it can no longer handle the pressure it releases it all and starts over again.
If you need to unwind do so.
If you need to cry to release it all do so.

Doing that is never the same as being weak. Most times to get our purpose in life, we need to let go of a lot of things.
It is said that the first step needed in overcoming your worries is admitting them. Don't live in denial, you are human after all. Give yourself the break and that time you need.
After all is said and done, you will be surprised at how clearer things have become. Don't store up those feelings inside yourself, it's dangerous. Be like the cloud, let them flow out.
Life is not a bed of roses, hence we should not expect any less. The struggle for survival is a constant fight. Amidst all these, you are allowed a modicum of emotion. And to express it as well.

The cloud beckons on you to imitate it's unwinding nature. Just let it out.

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