Solution To Abuse In Relationships

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

It seems the trending issue in the Nigerian society is domestic violence and abuse. This is one vice that has been going on for years but has become a major issue because of people's determination to fight it. In a way, enlightenment brings freedom.

I have heard stories of spouses abused in relationships to the point of death. And these deaths are mostly women. I ask questions like why do they allow the situation degenerate to the point of grievous bodily harm and death?


Some deaths are a result of accidents —the man hits the woman and she falls, hits her head and dies. Accident. The point remains, if she was not being assaulted at the time, the accident would not have happened and she would still be alive.

On the other hand, many are languishing in police cells and prison because they assaulted a woman or child and killed her in the process.

Why do victims of abuse find it hard to leave such relationships? It could be because of their children or because they are yet to face the truth that they are in a relationship with an abuser.

I hear women saying things like "he feels bad about it and promised not to do it again", "he already apologized and I forgive him" etc. These excuses are flimsy to me. Once an assault takes place, I always advice the victim to leave such relationship. No amount of apologies or gifts can make up for it when it happens again because it surely will!

Abuse is a vice that starts from the home and spread round the society. NGOs and other non-profit bodies and individuals are working daily to help victims but the solution must start from the home.

These men did not wake up to be abusers one day. They had witnessed abuse in their homes and deem it proper. It's time we teach our children that hitting another person, regardless of the gender, is wrong and uncivil. They must be taught to respect everyone.

Also, victims of abuse and domestic violence must be encouraged to always speak out and never be ashamed to ask for help because this is a matter of life and death. Many remain in silence and suffer. If only they had spoken out, help would have found them.

I hope this article helps someone.

Never settle for less because you are worth much more.

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Image by Sydney Sims from Unsplash

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Important thing to take away here is that majority of those that grew up to become abusive in relationship also faced some sort of abuse as kids. It is usually traced down to families. That's the starting point of many misconduct.

There is still no excuse for anyone to remain in an abusive relationship.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

...majority of those that grew up to become abusive in relationship also faced some sort of abuse as kids.

My point exactly! So they see it as normal or a means to solve any conflict they may have with another person. It's sad that our society has become this perverse.

Thanks for your visit and insightful comment! 🙂

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