COMPETITION: A reason one may tend to excel (academic-wise) in his/her primary & secondary education than in the higher institution (colleges/university).

in blurtafrica •  4 years ago 

Hello everyone, trust I meet you doing good?

In today's blog, I decided to reflect back to one of my writings in time past. I basically shared my thoughts based on what I experienced. Continue reading to find our what I had to share in regards to this, and feel free to share your thoughts also with me in the comment below.


Let's kill the "It's not a COMPETITION" Mindset.


To Excel simply means to be much better than ...'

Every individuals are unique in their own ways, and the pattern in which education threads can't really be used to determine how knowledgeable an individual is. But still it plays a great role in one's knowledge. Have you ever wondered why someone who performed excellently well in his/her primary/secondary school gets into the higher institution and begins to lack behind??

Well, in my opinion, I've observed that the mindset in which major individuals takes into the higher institution is to simply obtain a degree. Yeah, that should be the primary goal, but I think it's no just the right mindset. Come to think about it, when we all went into primary/secondary school, our aim wasn't to get a leaving school certificate. Our aim was to go get the best out of the grades. Yeah, that is the right mindset set, the mindset that should be enveloped around achieving academic success.

Every pupil/student came into primary/secondary school with that mindset of getting the best grade, but we all know only one individual will get it. That strife to wanting to be that individual who will get the best grade makes everyone put in all effort to their study. They all knew they were competing for something, which is the 'grade'. So therefore, they will all keep striving to perform better than one another and ensure they do what it takes to be the best. That was the mindset of a primary/secondary school individual, an that mindset helped them in achieving academic success and passing with an excellent grade.

Now to the higher institution, it's true we all came in with different aims and goals, but it's also certain that not everyone will be able to say I achieved my goal at the end of the journey. Most higher institution students only build their thoughts around getting a certificate out the institution when they are done instead of building their thoughts around how to go about getting the certificate. It's also true the academic system of the higher institution isn't a competitive one, but it doesn't require it to be a competitive one before one starts striving to get the best out of it.


Honestly in the higher institution level, no one is competing with anyone. The competition should be within oneself. You need to remind yourself where you've started from. You should tell yourself you wouldn't allow your previous self to be better than your future. The competition is between your future self and your past self. You should strive to become a better individual and more knowledgeable than you've been in time past, not just enveloping your mindset around obtaining some freaking certificate. It's is only then you'll see yourself putting the right attitude towards achieving academic success. An by so doing, one will obtain an excellent certificate which was initially ones primary aim.

This is the mindset most individuals have lacked in time past and made them feel they grew worse in their academic knowledge, not knowing it was as a result of the kind of attitude the put forth in achieving academic success. Put on that competitive mindset towards achieving a goal, and you'll discover the energy that will flow in you will be positive and greater always. Stay competitive, and you'll certainly achieve your goals.



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