Train your tongue to speak peace.

in blurtafrica •  last year 
The tongue is one of the most smallest part of the body but it's sharper than any edged weapon ever produced. The tongue is not just sharp, it's a double edged sword ⚔️ and if tamed and used in the right way, peace reigns but on the opposite, war and strives prevails.


I'm pained.

What is the advantage of having a friend aside sharing experiences and helping in times of need. I don't think there's a reason to keep friends if we want to always want to get hurt by the one we call a friend howbeit, I want to share an encounter with a friend few years back and trying to forgive him hasn't been easy on me because he hit me on a very dangerous spot too bad to endure but **the wound doesn't want to heal even after four and half a year.

On a beautiful Thursday afternoon, while we were working on a construction site, he called on me 'Vincent' , I want to share something with you hope to getting a brotherly advice from you.
Wow, what are friends for I replied go on share with me I said,

My wife...

What about your wife, I asked in surprise because I know the two love themselves so much and I haven't heard them had any troubles before,
My wife wants to work, she has three months old baby.

What's wrong with my brother, I interjected .

I can't let that happen, my baby too young and my wife can't answer sir to any other man.


What is your plan, I asked. I want her to stay home and take care of the kids , 'if that's your wish as the man that's okay, but the woman isn't a slave you know, she has a say in the marriage also'. Did she agree with you?

Definitely not.

What is her demand I asked again, she said place me on a monthly salary, or float a business for me or let me work.


Which of these would you take I asked humbly, I said none.
It has to be according to my will, I'm the man. No brother, such generation is over. Your income isn't enough to take care of the family, let your wife support. I opted.
Let her do a teaching job since she has a degree on education, meaning she's a qualified educator or start up a business for her since you don't want her to answer sir to anyone. I suggested.

This is my crime.

He picked offense, why would you say that, you're not married, you don't have a child of your own yet, you don't know the pain of being a parent, you haven't had sleepless nights because your child is sick. You don't even know how to put a baby to sleep and you're advising me to let my wife work.
If men are talking a eunuch would also talk ,shout your mouth till you have a wife and children then you can come back to tell me how well to rule my home.
This is what I got from my friend who came asked me for advice.

My decision.

For saying all these to me means he has been nurturing these words and perhaps doesn't know how to give them to me and plans for the question and I gave a piece of advise and he bleached my life with unruly words, therefore I will keep off him till I'm man enough to talk to him.
Hope I'm not doing bad by stepping out of the friendship till God knows when.

Funny enough

This great man has no job for the past two years and the wife had been running the home because she forced her way to start up a business as her own siblings raised funds for her to start.

Abusive words are sweet to say to others, but when they are said to you would you really accommodate such?

This is food for thought. Happy new year, be nice to others. Let the tongue bless and never to curse.

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