Discipline in school, now and then..(comments contest)

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Good afternoon my good people of blurt, today I want us to discuss about discipline in our school now and then.
Majority of us who have our formal education in Nigeria between 1970's and 1990's can't testify to the level of discipline in our school. There are various forms of discipline back then that are used to cub the bad activities and enforce discipline among students then. This includes

  1. Beating

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2. Kneeling down


3. Kneeling down with stone


4. Planting maize

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5. Frog jump


6. Flying on a spot 7. Seating under teacher table 8. Cutting grasses and bush 9. Standings up and eyes closed etc.

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But today the story is different, students are not allow to be beating or punished in the school again, a new system of reward and withdrawal was introduced in place of punishment.
And looking at our environment today we noticed increase in crime rate and I discipline among our young once. In your own view has the withdrawal of this punishment from school caused more harm to our society than good? Or tell us your own opinion, which one is better between discipline in school Now or Then.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Withdrawal of punishment has caused so Many harms to the school towards the school rule and regulations even towards the community as well in the sense that children no longer respect their elders nor teachers or even parents
In those days if a child should misbehave at home and a parent should just make a threat at him/her that his going to report her to the school, the child will start pleading immediately ,he/she will even start crying without any punishment given to her because she knows that the school will have to pity when punishing her
More over
Students of those days fear their teachers so we that even if the see them on the way the will want to pass another way so the teacher won't see any fault for him in other to punish him the next day.
But now adays students even plot ambush against their teachers sometimes there block them face to face and bit very well because the teacher failed him or her even when the student knows he didn't write anything useful in his answer sheet

So ladies and gentlemen
Withdrawal of punishment from schools has caused a lot of indiscipline acts and hight crime rate to our societies.
Thanks you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

😂 I'm laughing because I remember a time a boy's parents came to our school and threatened to arrest a teacher for flogging their child, do you know what the teacher did? He flogged the boy's parents as well and wrote a resignation letter to his head 🤣 everyone were surprised but I saw that a lot was learnt that day from the teacher.

I believe with no doubt that such can't happen now, nowadays kids are left to do whatever they like while at home talk more of at school. And yeah, it's causing more harm than good. I won't support flogging a child but giving them punishment to kneel, raise hands up and others you've mentioned are enough to let the kid know he or she is wrong.... Why do away with those punishment in schools?

It's causing harm, kids are becoming more stubborn and wayward because of this, I hope discipline is brought back to homes and school.

I know my comment is late, just wanted to say my view... I'm new here actually 🙈

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
