A majestic display.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 


We experienced about 6-7 days of rainfall, and there have been heavy clouds in the sky for quite someday but it stopped raining about three days ago. I missed the sunset, it is one thing I have been looking forward to because of its beautiful display every evening.

While I was enjoying the fresh air within the environment, I noticed the sun trying to get my attention while it was setting.

I looked up and wasn't wowed enough, "you can do better than this buddy was the response in my mind". I carried on with the music I was listening to and soon, I noticed a massive change in the sky, it was a show of majesty.


"Are you trying to bully me, buddy?" I asked the Sun.

It smiled at me and said, "No, I am just flaunting and appreciating the beauty bestowed on me".

"Are you wowed now?" It asked, and I nodded while saying "yes".

It continued, "do you know, I usually face challenges like humans?"

I asked," how?"

Its response was, "did you see me for the past few days? I have been up there struggling to shine, the rain and the cloud stood against me.


They stood as obstacles but they couldn't bend or break me because I was determined, I knew they won't be there forever so instead of giving up, I stood my ground waiting for the perfect opportunity to shine again and when it came, I didn't hesitate to grab it.

Am I not looking better than the last time you saw me? I know I am because fighting through challenges makes me more beautiful.

I was amazed, I just didn't know the right word to express how surprised I was.


So nature goes through challenges as well? I asked.

It answered,"Yes we do, just like every human but the difference is that we always fight back and through the challenges unlike many humans who choose to give up not knowing there is a new glory at the end of it".

Not everyone is patient enough to learn from us and if you have the time, tell every human you can reach out to not to give up during tough times because if they fight through, they will come out of it will glory and will be able to flaunt it majestically just like I am doing.

It is time to go, don't forget to pass the message on. Have a wonderful night rest.


My phone rang and I was called back to life, have I been talking to the sun?

It looks unbelievable but I have, it's a gift the world doesn't know about until now. I gazed at the sun as it waved goodbye at me, I wished I could hold on to the beauty for long but soon, it disappeared.


Challenges are inevitable in life, we just have to fight through them. I hope we got the message, let's learn from nature because everything about it keeps sending messages of hope to us.

We can't give up now, let's keep grinding.


All the images in the post belong to me.

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