The Free Gifts of Nature (Environmental Resources)

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

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The symphony of the environment triggers foreign and domestic attraction to such environment. In a very more precious and appreciable environment with abundance of natural resources and organic/inorganic materials, dwells a center of attraction for both the people living inside such society and people living outside such environment. Therefore, I am going to be talking about some environmental resources,types and it's importance to man and his society at large.

Brief Definition Of Environmental Resources

When we talk about environmental resources,we mean any useful item in the environment or materials/substances that is useful to man or we man those things which are endowed by nature such as organics or inorganic materials which are of great value to man for instance; plants, mineral resources (tin,columbite,iron ore etc) and animals.


For a more vital purpose(s), there are two types of resources namely; Renewable and non - Renewable .

-Renewable resources- are crops and other forest resources which do not take time to grow and harvest.


-Non - Renewable resources are those things that take time (million) years to grow and are found dip down the Earth e.g tin, crude oil etc.

N/B: All the resources are found within our ecosystem/environment and they classified According to where it's found inside and within the system. The following are the various types of environmental Resources:

  1. Atmospheric resources
  2. Water resources
  3. Human resources
  4. Vegatation resources
  5. Mineral resources

These are elements in the atmosphere that are use by man like rainfall,sunlight and gases which includes:
Oxygen, nitrogen,carboixde,water ,vapour etc.

Basic Importance Of Atmospheric resource Gases.

(A) oxygen:
(i) it makes water vapour for chemical weathering (oxidation)
(ii) it is used for industrial purpose.etc

(B) Carbon dioxide:
(i) it's mixed with water to produce chemical weathering (carbonation)
(ii) plants makes use of carbon dioxide during the process of photosynthesis etc.

(C) nitrogen:
(i) Nitrogen gas is used in electrical industry.
(ii) it is used by plants to build up phite contents.

(D) Ozone:
The zone layer protects the Earth from the direct heat of the sun.
It reduces the burning effects of alternative rays of the sun.

(E) Water vapour:
(I) It is used for rain formation.
(ii) It moderates atmospheric temperature

(F) Rain:
(I) It helps in plants growth.
(ii) It is the source of underground water .
(iii) It modifies the weather.

(G) Wind:
(I) It helps to dry clothes.
(ii) It aids in sailing and aviation.
(iii) It is used for drying agricultural products like beans, etc.


These are useful items in the water which are useful to man. Sources of the water are oceans, Rivers, rain, spring, stream etc.
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It is used for generating of hydroplastic etc.


These are useful items gotten from the forest and Savanna which are useful to man, animals and plants.
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(I) Provision of employment to hunters ,forest guards etc.
(ii) Source of firewood for cooking and other important things like drying.
(iii) Provision of wood for making electric poles, plants, scaffoldings.
(iv) provides timbers for making plywoods and shelves.
(v) an arena for widelife conservation.


All the resources are organics and managed by man for optimal and efficient use of them. The ability of man to make use of these available resources depends on the level of education, technological know-how and cultural development .


  1. Human resource contribute to the development of a place.
  2. Human resources could be used to assess power through their scientific and education attainment

In our various environment today, a lot of all these basic resources are being found, exploited and extorted for the benefit of man and his entire society. The resources we find in our environments are brought to us by nature and some by man. Thus, we say that, these helps man to get to somewhere better in the feature. Even so, development can not good without these resources and that's why it should be extracted and be used efficiently by the holders and owners who are previliged to have found it within there habitat.






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