Be Brave And Clever Brethren, Search The Holy Good Scripture In Your Quiet Time

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 



Good people of MCGI(Hive), I'm your brother @ezeemmanuel. It has been a difficult time for me since I joined us here. To make a short video post here in your social is just as hard as I could imagine as Hive doesn't accept posting videos directly from our gallary. I think I have waited longer than expected iso,it's a pleasure to be opportuned to make this very publication today here. Let's go down the memory lane of the topic.

Searching the scripture:

This is one of the main or the hall back of a true devotee of Christ Jesus. For sure, we did not only read the scripture because Jesus Christ commanded it, but as it is the most rewarding duty for us the believers. Let's read the book of (John 5:39),it says "search the scriptures for in them Ye think Ye have eternal life; and they are they which testify of me". In this, it means that is the way through which we have encounter with God and have spiritual growth. It is the source of the strength by which we are able to live victoriously day-by-day, and the way of discovering God's truth by ourselves so that we can adapt the lessons thereof to our daily needs in times of: sorrow, adversity, poverty, defect, sickness, joy, triumph or prosperity.


In searching for the scripture, we can meditate many yet unfailing promises of God in order to claim them for our blessings. Brethren, searching the scripture is profitable hence, we ought therefore to do it diligently with patience, persistence, regularly, prayerfully with an open mind and with decision to obey every revealed truth. God always reward those who seek in order to find.

It is always advisable to practice by rising early(being quiet time)to pray and search the scripture when everything is quiet before the hustle and bustle of the day.


In conclusion, one once being converted, this routine must be preferable actions both morning and evening when the whole body is calm and God often speaks to us at these quiet moments. May we always Remain in the grace of the Almighty God as we live our lives of preaching the gospel here on earth. Amen

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