A Sad Day : A Freewrite Poem.

in blurtafrica •  last year 


The leaves fall gently to the ground
As autumn breezes swirl around
The trees stand bare, with nothing left to give
Their beauty now a memory to relive

The sky is gray and the air is still
As if the world is in mourning still
For a love that once was pure and true
But now is gone, leaving me feeling blue

I walk alone, with no one by my side
The emptiness inside me cannot be denied
I try to fill the void with memories
But they only bring me to my knees

I wish for one more chance to hold you tight
To see the sparkle in your eyes so bright
But all I have are the shadows of the past
And a love that forever will not last

I'll hold on to the memories we made
And the love that once was unafraid
But now it's gone, and I'm left alone
With a heart that's shattered and a soul that's flown.

An entry into @mariannewest every day freewrite

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