Does God really exists?

in blurtafrica •  3 years ago 

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If there is God, why is there so suffering in the world?
This is deep and I am short of word
But come to think of it,
The universe is broad
And filled with people that brood
If truly there is God,
Then why is there suffering in the world?

Going back to early days,
I mean the growing up days,
When our mind was free and our heart was pure
We accept everything that we were told,
Without questioning and without reproach
It all seems good
And we keep our hope high that one day, our good will be better
Not depriving our mind to think that out better will become best

Moments have passed,
Days have become week
Weeks have passed,
Months have become year
But rather than put good to become better,
We keep going down the lane
We watch as our good turn worse
And our worse turning worst
If truly there is God,
Then why is there suffering in the world?

Maybe whe should question mother earth
Or we should question man
Those who can keep their breathe
But cannot keep humanity from its death.
Over the years,
We've all come together thinking of how to make the world a better place
But rather than having a solution,
The gap widened
The poor lost glimpse of their hope
The less privilege are left to the justice of unfriendly earth.
If truly there is God,
Then why is there suffering in the world?

Maybe we should change the narration
If there are teachers,
Why do we have illiterates?
If there are doctors,
Why do we have sick people?
If there are lawyers,
How does injustice became the order of the day?
Does that mean of of truly there is God,
There can be suffering in the world.

Before you press further,
Let's go back to the word.
James chapter 1, from verse 2

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.
Let perseverance finish its works so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.

Does that mean we should accept suffering and allow perseverance till we lose our soul?

No, but in response to that,
Let's go back to James chapter 1 from verse 5

If any one of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to you.

If that is what you have to say, I have been asking God for prosperity but all I got is suffering.
Accepted but how did you ask?

Let's look at what is written on James chapter 1 verse 6-8

But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.
Such a person is double minded and unstable in all they do.

This is my entry for @Ecotrain question of the week.

Truly the question is spiritual and as highlighted it might not be possible to answer the question out of spirituality.

What if we are our own problem?

Napoleon Hill said in his book, "Think and grow rich" that we have what he called "sixth sense".

This sense cannot be acquired through any scientific means but by connecting the spiritual aspect of our mind to the source of inspiration.

To me, I might say, the problem of man is man starting from himself.

God is more than willing to help everyone but we must request for what we need and also ask with faith for without faith, we shall not receive anything from God.

Aside from what man brought upon himself, what we brought upon one another is another source of human suffering.

Against all religion, if we all accept humanity as a religion, maybe the world would have been a better place for us and generations to come.

Till I cross your path again, I am like a ready made pen in the hand of the creator. I am

My daily affirmation
My desire is to accumulate $55,000 before the end of this year (31st December, 2022).
In return for having this amount, I am going to mentor 5 people on how to accumulate same amount by forming a mastermind group.
For me, to accumulate this amount, I will be writing quality contents for fintech startups and Crypto projects.

Cross posted from my blog with the addition of my daily affirmation.

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