Moment together with my brothers at farm as we are working together trying to peal maize.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Once upon a time around nuvember 2021 me and my brothers we are busy trying to harvest maize and normally during harvest time me and my brothers used to joint hands to work together as family as team to simplify the work.
Because we realized that if we say everyone will work for himself alone is really taking us a very long time before we can able to finished our harvest, so my father gave us advise that since we are plenty as his male children we have to unite our selves as team to be assisting each other because definitely he know we are not equal in strength and some of us we cannot afford to work harder but once we Unite our selves we can cover for those that are not strong enough and that will helps us hide our secret from outsider they will think we are just strong equally but once we divide our selves we will suffer it.
So we grapp the advice we start uniting our selves by working together as a family since five years back up to today that's the strategy we are using to simplify our work. So last year December we decided to go and help our father to harvest his maize so we wake up early in the morning we eat food and we just left for farm we start walking together and we leave our sisters at home together with mum cooking food for us without waste of time as we reach to the farm we start working from morning to 12pm by that time my sisters already arive at farm so we eat out breakfast we continue the work up to 4pm we go back home next day we did thesame and luckily we finished the harvest and we look for open body car who can assist us carry the maize home. So my father say the words of appreciation to us and we wait for the driver who will carry the maize home without waste of time the driver arrived we load the maize in the open body car we seated on top of the maize to home and we carry the maize down and my father payed the driver.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow glory be to God seriously God is wanderful he really safe ur life may his steadfast love endures forever.