During sawing of crops me and my brothers come out as a team to help each other during the sawing of rice.

in blurtafrica •  2 years ago 

Once upon a time me and my brothers we are working as a team mates to make sure that we make the work go easier, because if we say everyone should just work on his on alone the work will take one person a longer period of time before the work can be able to be finished and there alot to go, so we decided that we will make it as a team by going to someone farm today then another we are to go to another person farm until we finished the sawing.
Then on one faithful Saturday we decided to go to one of our brother farm and that Saturday morning there was a great heavy rain that stop us from going to the farm early because the rain started around 5:00am in the morning and the rain cease around 9 o'clock in the morning so before we start work that day is almost around 10:30am so we take our breakfast with the traditional alcohol and we keep working till 3:23pm before we finished the worked and our elder brother say the words of appreciation, followed by that brother that we are working for him that day honestly, working together as a team is really good I really learn alot being around my brothers as their team mates.



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