Grow Updates: 2x4 Veg tent with 3 Wedding Cake, 3 Critical Purple Kush & 3 Pink Kush

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 


Hello Smokers🔥🔥🔥🔥

2x4 Veg tent with 3 Wedding Cake, 3 Critical Purple Kush & 3 Pink Kush growing very nicely in 2gal Air Pots with Organic Amendments in Promix HP with Myko. In my feeds, I sometimes use a bit of Fish Emulsion 5-1-1 (it’s acidic so just 1-2 Tbsp of it in a 5gal bucket balances my PH nicely) and some occasional URB for added microbes (Google it, pretty awesome stuff).


The girls certainly seem to love the mix of these things! (I also transition to using Banana Peel tea when in flower for added PK) this is the most laid back style of growing I know and it seems Freya loves munching on those big fan leaves while I work in the garage cheers!


Happy Growing 🌱

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