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this honey has an attractive color, reminiscent of honey and caramel.
but if you ask me what do you prefer to smoke oil or just a joint, i prefer a joint, i know the dosage better. in short, I still have a lot to learn and what I want to say is that it is all expensive and that you really have to want it. before you spend a lot of money
Thank for sharing your cannabis content. You have been curated by canna-blurt. You can be sure to receive more great votes by posting your cannabis content today.
Nice job, This is looking good for sure. A press is one my planned buys.
Thanks for sharing
this honey has an attractive color, reminiscent of honey and caramel.
but if you ask me what do you prefer to smoke oil or just a joint, i prefer a joint, i know the dosage better. in short, I still have a lot to learn and what I want to say is that it is all expensive and that you really have to want it. before you spend a lot of money