THE WASH ...DAILY with Joey SLLiks DEA crackdown on mis-labelled cbd products re: a health benefit

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Thursday December 17, 2020
In todays report:

Feds Crack Down On ‘Deceptively Marketed’ CBD Products

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The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced on Thursday that it launched the first law enforcement crackdown on “deceptive” claims being made about CBD products. The new action involves complaints against six companies.

As part of “Operation CBDeceit,” FTC is mandating that the firms and personnel associated with them stop making a “wide range of scientifically unsupported claims” about their products’ ability to treat medical conditions. Some of the companies will also have to pay #monetary judgements.


DEA Issues Final Rule For Licensing More Growers Of #marijuana For Research

The release of these finalized regulations comes as both the House and Senate have recently passed bills to promote marijuana research. The goal of those pieces of legislation is similarly to streamline the process for researchers and expand access to cannabis for studies while mandating the DEA license additional growers by specific deadlines.

In a notice set to be formally published in the Federal pRegister on Friday, the agency said it made “minor modifications” from the initial proposed rule on licensing cannabis manufacturers it released in March.

DEA responded to numerous public comments it received since then, breaking them down into eight categories: application process and criteria; quality of marijuana; federal agency obligations pertaining to cannabis controls; the meaning of ‘medical cannabis;’ security costs and requirements applicable to the manufacture of marijuana; harvest; cost, pricing and fees of marijuana for DEA registrants and comments outside of the agency’s scope.

Oregon reverts to pilot program

The Oregon Department of Agriculture has withdrawn the updated state hemp plan it submitted to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) this summer. That means the state will continue regulating hemp farmers under the 2014 hemp pilot program. The state said the move will allow it to ensure compliance with USDA rules. The U.S. government passed a waiver earlier this year that allows states to continue to operate under earlier rules that were part of the 2014 Farm Bill that established the first pilot program for industrial hemp in the USA. States now have until September 2021 to work out their programs with the USDA under the 2018 Farm Bill.

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