THE WASH ...DAILY with Joey SLLiks CANNABIS NEWS REPORT Trump vs Biden, Which one is for cannabis?

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Tuesday September 29 2020

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With the 2020 presidential election underway, people interested in legalizing marijuana and ending the war on drugs may find themselves wondering which candidate will do more to advance their causes: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden or incumbent President Donald Trump.

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Policy Actions And Comments As President
Support for states’ rights.

In 2018, the president gave advocates reason to celebrate. Asked whether he supports a bipartisan bill filed by Sens. Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), which would allow states to set their own marijuana policies, Trump said “I really do.”

Administrative marijuana and drug policy actions.

One of the administration’s most widely publicized actions—and one that caused acute panic among marijuana advocates and stakeholders—happened in January 2018, when Sessions rescinded the Obama-era Cole memo. Under that policy, federal prosecutors were advised to generally not pursue action against individuals for state-legal cannabis-related activity, except under a limited set of circumstances.

Its revocation worried many that

House Democrats Keep Marijuana Banking Protections In Revised COVID Bill After Delaying Legalization Vote

Despite pushback from GOP lawmakers who challenged the germaneness of including the cannabis language in a prior version that the House approved in May, the text of the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act was again inserted into the new legislation. It could get a floor vote as early as this week—and that would mark the third time the chamber has taken up the banking measure in some form in the past year.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been particularly critical of the House proposal, specifically taking issue with industry diversity reporting provisions of the SAFE Banking Act, for example. Other vocal opponents include Vice President Mike Pence and Sens. James Lankford (R-OK) and John Kennedy (R-LA).

“At a time when businesses all across the country are relying on electronic transactions to protect public health, cannabis businesses are being forced to exchange currency. This bill is timely and necessary,” he said.

A summary of the banking provision

f the bill.

“The inclusion of the SAFE Banking Act in the HEROES 2.0 package is a positive development,” NORML Political Director Justin Strekal said. “In the majority of states that regulate the marijuana marketplace, cannabis businesses have been deemed essential during this pandemic

The House was expected to hold a floor vote on the Marijuana Opportunity, Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act to federally legalize cannabis last week, but leaders announced they were delaying it after certain centrist Democrats expressed concern about the optics of advancing marijuana reform legislation without first passing additional COVID relief.

the market is moving in the right direction in terms of business opportunities.

Toronto-headquartered Khiron Life Sciences, a company with its main operations in Colombia, said it became the “first company to sell and fill medical cannabis prescriptions through private pharmacies in Peru.”

The one offered by the DIGEMID pharmacy has a concentration of almost 5% CBD and is sold in 10- milliliter bottles for almost 48 soles ($13).
Farmacia Universal told Marijuana Business Daily the price of 30-milliliter bottles with a concentration of 3% CBD retails for 215 soles, but larger options with a higher CBD concentration are available at a lower cost per milligram of cannabinoids.

Maritza Reátegui, partner and head of Rodrigo, Elías & Medrano Abogado’s Life Sciences & Healthcare group, shared the latest data about the market with MJBizDaily.

She obtained the figures from authorities through public information requests to DIGEMID and the anti-narcotics unit of the Peruvian national police, DIRANDRO.

Reátegui found that:

The government registry of cannabis patients is about to reach the 8,000 mark. However, registering does not guarantee access to a prescription or even product. It’s a simple process anyone can complete online.
Twelve companies submitted applications to register 34 products. A handful of these were already approved but are still unavailable to patients. Registered products should not be confused with magistral preparations.
DIGEMID granted 36 licenses to import and/or sell medical cannabis.
DIGEMID granted 33 individual import licenses, commonly called “compassionate use” in the region.
DIRANDRO approved 28 security protocols – 26 were automatically approved at submission, and two were approved after evaluation.
Although several companies submitted license applications to produce in Peru, none have been granted so far

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