THE WASH DAILY with Joey SLLiks CANNABIS NEWS REPORT Florida leading charge on growing hemp economy.

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Weednesday December 9 2020
In todays report:

Nebraska Working on Cannabis Ballot Initiative

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Many states in the U.S. are joining the procession of legislative wins for #cannabis that have been sweeping the nation, but Nebraska has never been a very likely contender, as they haven’t really made any strides in the cannabis realm so far. However, a state senator is currently drafting a ballot measure that could change that..

The medical initiative already specifies allowance of #medical cannabis “in all its forms,” making it a pretty robust medical measure, and the recreational measure would take this a step further.

yesterday’s vote in the House of Representatives, our team is drafting a ballot initiative to legalize cannabis for #adultuse,” said Nebraska State Senator Anna Wishart on Facebook. “We will introduce ballot language for full adult use #legalization of cannabis in January to join our medical cannabis initiative for Nebraskans to vote on in 2022.

Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, the group behind the already established medical cannabis ballot measure, are also supporting this measure. They’re the same group that backed the failed measures in 2020 as well, and they’re hoping things turn around in 2022 and yield better results for cannabis enthusiasts.


The group plans to file language in January and will ramp up signature collection for both the medical cannabis measure and adult-use initiative in 2021


Group to seek legalization of recreational marijuana in Nebraskaa

The senator said that while collecting signatures for the medical marijuana initiative, he was asked frequently why voters shouldn’t be allowed to decide whether to legalize recreational marijuana as well..

But Gov. Pete Ricketts, when asked about the new effort on Monday, pushed back, saying that marijuana today is much more powerful and much more dangerous than the weed that was around in the 1960s and ’70s.

So why was it passed in South Dakota? Ricketts said that was because of “misinformation” that “somehow, (marijuana) is benign.” He added that for-profit companies are behind the push to authorize legal use of marijuana for medicine and recreation.



Florida projects hemp acreage will grow to half the size of citrus acreage

Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried said Tuesday that the state’s 22,078 acres of hemp this year will balloon to 300,000 by 2025, about half the size of the state’s citrus acreage. Already Florida’s hemp acreage is nearly equal to the acreage in Florida of tomatoes, watermelon and snap peas, and double the strawberry production, the Orlando Sentinel reported.

Already Florida’s hemp acreage is nearly equal to the acreage in Florida of tomatoes, watermelon and snap peas, and double the strawberry production, the Orlando Sentinel reported.


House Approves Marijuana Research Bill Days After Voting To Federally Legalize Cannabis

The unlikely duo of pro-legalization Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) and prohibitionist Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) are the lead sponsors of the legislation.

Unfortunately, that [federally produced] marijuana is chemically distinct from what is commercially available from state legal dispensaries such as in my home state of Oregon,” Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR), the ranking member on the Energy and Commerce Committee, said. “What does that mean? Well, it means that we have little to no data on the actual health impacts of products in states that have legalized cannabis for medical or recreational use.”

“We need research that reflects the reality of what’s on the market,” he said.

Harris, for his part, pointed out that he and Blumenauer probably disagree more vigorously with one another about marijuana legalization than any two other members of Congress. But “we agree 100 percent that we need to do this research,” he said

@,a"Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI), who has previously said that her late husband, former Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) would have considered using medical cannabis near the end of his life if more research had been able to be conducted on its effects, decried the current roadblocks that scientists face.

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