Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 8)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 8)


Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics (DWC)
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries

Previous Weekly Logs:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6
    Week 7


    • Armor SI (1ml/gal)
    • CALiMAGic (2.5ml/gal)
    • FloraMicro (5ml/gal)
    • FloraGrow (5ml/gal)
    • FloraBloom (2.5ml/gal)
    • HTH Super Pool shock (5ml/gal)

    Growing Conditions:

    • Grow Phase: Veg
    • Light Type: Kingbrite LED 250W QB288 LM301B 3500K 660nm
    • Light Schedule: 18/6, 100% Intensity, 24 Inches from canopy.
    • Air Temp: Day 27 C, Night 18.2 C
    • Res Temp: Day 20.2 C, Night 18 C
    • Res Volume: 66 Liters / 17.44 Gallons
    • Relative Humidity: Day 60%, Night 68%
    • TDS: 845 PPM
    • PH: 6.1

    • Daily Checks

      Day RH Air Temp C Res Temp C PH PPM Water Level Notes
      Day 49 65.4 23.8 21.1 5.97 954 Falling Res change was yesterday. Water falling about 1 gallon a day.
      Day 50 60.8 23.8 21.1 5.52 954 Falling Added 1 gallon top-up bring PH it 5.7
      Day 51 59.7 24.9 22.3 5.63 981 Falling Added 1/2 gallon to res and 1 ml PH up. PPM now 912 but i'm going to lower it and take another record check the PH keeps dropping.
      Day 52 58.7 23.7 21.8 5.82 819 Falling 1ml PH up, PH still falling. I'll lower the EC see if that helps
      Day 53 53.6 21.4 19.1 5.25 776 Falling 2 ml PH up, PH Still falling will lower EC more
      Day 54 61 21.5 19.1 5.46 773 Falling 1.5 ml PH up, still falling. Lowered EC/PPM more. PPM now at 756
      Day 55 60.5 21.2 19.8 6.0 761 Falling Finally sorted out the PH drop.

      Progress Pictures

      Grow Day 49 - Veg Day 49 (28 Oct 2020)

      A res change was completed yesterday on grow day 48 to fix the falling PH issue I had the last few days last week.

      This week is all about vertical growth! I need about 8 more inches before I can start filling in that that SCROG net and flip to flower. I removed a few fan leaves and most of the new shoots on each Cola so the plant could focus it's energy on vertical growth.

      I also did a little LST to get the plant flat and spread out as much as possible. This will slow the stretch a little on the right so the left can catch up a little more.

      Grow Day 50 - Veg Day 50 (29 Oct 2020)

      Not much to report, the girls are growing.

      Grow Day 51 - Veg Day 51 (30 Oct 2020)

      The fan leaves started touching and leaving wet spots between the leaves so I did a little defol.

      I've had an ongoing issue with the PH dropping; it should be rising. I believe my PPM is too high so i'm going to lower it down to about 800 to see if that helps solve the problem.

      Grow Day 52 Veg Day 52 (31 Oct 2020)

      I've been having issues with my PH dropping and having to PH up daily. I've done the following to troubleshoot the issue so far.

      No pics today, I forgot :)

      • Res Change (Did not fix the Issue)
      • Calibrated my PH pen (it was only off a little bit)
      • Added Chlorine before Silica (did not fix the issue)
      • Checked roots (everything looks fine, no root rot or bacteria issues
      • Lower PPM/EC (Ongoing, still determining the issue)
      • The next step will be to rule out the chlorine. I've ordered some UC roots, and will do a res change with UC roots vs chlorine to see if it sorts out the issue. I'll also lower the EC/PPM more over the next few days.

        My nutrient bottles are almost empty so i might try a fresh bottle next round to see if that is the culprit.

        Grow Day 53 Veg Day 53 (1 Nov 2020)

        PH still dropping. I've lowered EC/PPM a little more and will see how it goes. The smell was starting to increase and my wife was complaining so it was time to turn on the inline fan and scrub the smell with my carbon filter. It dropped about 5% but should catch back up to 60% tomorrow.

        Grow Day 54 Veg Day 54 (2 Nov 2020)

        More PH dramas haha. PH is down again so I lowered EC/PPM a little more; i'm basically just topping my res with RO water slowly lowering the EC/PPM. I might drop this to under 700 PPM to see how it reacts.

        I did a little LST and defol on the left plant. That mainline went all kinds of wrong so those 8 cola's are very tight right now until they start stretching a little more. I pulled them back to stretch them out and flatten the canopy. As the right one touches the net i'll start the scrog weave until the net is almost full. At that point the left plant should be near the net so i'll let those 8 cola's just go from that point. That is the master plan anyway.

        The lesson on that left plant is don't LST so early next time.

        Grow Day 55 Veg Day 55 (3 Nov 2020)

        Last day of week 8 of veg! A few more inches to go and i'll start the SCROG!

        Great news, I sorted out the PH drop. Dropping the EC/PPM fixed the issue and the PH is now stable at 6.0 with very little movement over the last 24 hours. For anyone reading this, this is a good example on how you should troubleshoot your plant issues. Be methodical in your troubleshooting approach, make one change at a time and review the results before moving on.

        I did a little LST on the left plant yesterday as it was really crowded. I was hoping to leave it and let it stretch but it was turning into a mangled mess.

        Look at that beautiful mainline! Not so much on my left plant though haha.

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Wonder if your SI could make sure the PH won’t drop? Looking killer man! I am now inspired to get a post up as well. I do my grow posts under @jonyoudyer btw

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

thanks man. SI can be used for PH adjustments so that would be possible, i've read people that use SI like thay. I've seen some of your posts for sure, looking good! I usually post a lot on my grow discord servers. let me know of your interested, i have about 4 of them i follow with some great growers

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Looking good, Nice to see after the fees days you got the PH back down.

That stock on the left plant is looking nice a solid.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man. yeah, nice thick stems

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

What a wide tree! Topping is something I must start learning!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man. google "mainline steps" lots of good sites