Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 7)

in blurt420 •  4 years ago 

Grow 2 - Blue Cookies (Week 7)


Strain Name: Blue Cookies
Strain Type: Indica 90%
Strain Breeder: Amsterdam Seeds Co.
Growing medium: Hydroponics (DWC)
Growing Ferts: General Hydroponics FloraSeries

Previous Weekly Logs:

    Week 1
    Week 2
    Week 3
    Week 4
    Week 5
    Week 6


    • Armor SI (0.5ml/gal)
    • CALiMAGic (1ml/liter)
    • FloraMicro (5ml/gal)
    • FloraGrow (5ml/gal)
    • FloraBloom (2.5ml/gal)
    • HTH Super Pool shock (5ml/gal)

    Growing Conditions:

    • Grow Phase: Veg
    • Light Type: Kingbrite LED 250W QB288 LM301B 3500K 660nm
    • Light Schedule: 18/6, 100% Intensity, 24 Inches from canopy.
    • Air Temp: Day 27 C, Night 18.2 C
    • Res Temp: Day 20.2 C, Night 18 C
    • Res Volume: 66 Liters / 17.44 Gallons
    • Relative Humidity: Day 60%, Night 68%
    • TDS: 845 PPM
    • PH: 6.1

    • Daily Checks

      Day RH Air Temp C Res Temp C PH PPM Water Level Notes
      Day 42 59.5 23.5 20.2 6.06 926 static PH and PPM dropping, see how it looks tomorrow.
      Day 43 62.5 23 20.2 6.06 926 Falling
      Day 44 62.3 23.1 20.3 5.63 918 Falling 1ml PH up added. If it drops again i'll do a res change in a day or two
      Day 45 60 23.5 21.3 5.61 922 Falling Added 1 gallon of tap water to top the res. PH checks taken again after the top-up
      Day 45 N/A N/A N/A 6.14 884 N/A Second res check today after top-up
      Day 46 No checks today
      Day 47 62.6 23.1 21.1 5.42 878 Falling Add 1.5 ml PH up. Plant is drinking more than eating, i'll top the res to lower the PPM a little later today.
      Day 48 59.4 23.2 21.6 5.42 886 Falling Added 1 gallon of tap water and 0.5 ml of PH up

      Progress Pictures

      Grow Day 42 - Veg Day 42 (21 Oct 2020)

      I couldn't resists, I topped the left plant and finished off the LST :). Over the next two weeks I'll just keep a close eye on the res for any issues.

      I dropped the light from 36 inches to 24 inches today as well. I really wanted a little node stretch during mainlining so I set my light at 36 inches before; this worked out really well.

      Grow Day 43 - Veg Day 43 (22 Oct 2020)

      No issues with dropping the light from 36" to 24" yesterday. Plants are looking very healthy and have seemed to perk up a little with the light drop.

      Grow Day 44 - Veg Day 44 (23 Oct 2020)


      • HTH Super Pool shock 60ml
      • 1ml PH up

      The PH should be swinging up not down. I added a little more chlorine to see if it's bacteria in the res causing the issue but the plants are looking great regardless. let's see how the 1ml of PH does and if it drops again; i'll res change if it does this weekend.

      Grow Day 45 - Veg Day 45 (24 Oct 2020)


      • HTH Super Pool shock 60ml
      • 1ml PH up
      • 1 Gallon of tap water

      I decided to do a little LST on the right plant to stretch it out a little as it was getting a little tight. I also wanted to even out the canopy a little bit and give the left plant a couple days to catch up in height.

      Grow Day 46 - Veg Day 46 (25 Oct 2020)

      No checks today

      Grow Day 47 - Veg Day 47 (26 Oct 2020)


      • HTH Super Pool shock 50ml
      • 1.5 ml PH up 1ml

      PH dropped pretty fast, I'll top with water today and get ready for a res change sometime this week. The right plant bounced back from the LST and looking strong and healthy. The left plant is also doing much better and starting the second node on those 8 new mains.

      Lots of roots in the res; that lid is getting really heavy to lift with one hand to take a picture haha.

      Grow Day 48 - Veg Day 48 (27 Oct 2020)

      Not much to report other than they are growing healthy for sure with a nice even canopy. The PH keeps swinging down so I've been topping the res with plain tap water and with a little PH up.

      For the left plant, I'll LST very little so I can get it up to the net to SCROG with the right plant. Once that canopy is filled about 80-90% i'll do a big defol and flip to flower.


      • 1 Gallon tap water
      • 0.5 ml PH up 1ml

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I run a QB too. Plants looking great!

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks man.